[KNYGA][B] Leibniz on binary: the invention of computer arithmetic
L Strickland, HR Lewis - 2022 - books.google.com
The first collection of Leibniz's key writings on the binary system, newly translated, with many
previously unpublished in any language. The polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 …
previously unpublished in any language. The polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 …
Logic operations in fluidics as foundation for embedded biohybrid computation
Realization of generic logic gates and circuits forms the basis of modern computational
platforms, which have brought visible changes in everyone's life. As the miniaturization of …
platforms, which have brought visible changes in everyone's life. As the miniaturization of …
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & ML
S Panat, R Kumar - A Guide to Applied Machine Learning for Biologists, 2023 - Springer
This chapter gives an overview of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), as
well as why AI holds enormous future promises. With the increasing scale and inherent …
well as why AI holds enormous future promises. With the increasing scale and inherent …
[KNYGA][B] Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
GW Leibniz, F Heer - 1958 - wikious.com
In the article Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz we will explore a topic that has been the subject of
great interest and debate in today's society. Over the years, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz has …
great interest and debate in today's society. Over the years, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz has …
Special issue on the foundations of software science and computation structures
JA Lara, S Aljawarneh - Foundations of Science, 2020 - Springer
In this full review paper, the recent emerging trends in Computing Structures, Software
Science, and System Applications have been reviewed and explored to address the recent …
Science, and System Applications have been reviewed and explored to address the recent …
Preparing Law Enforcement for the Digital Age-Editor's Reflection
D Nogala - Special Issue 6 Eur. L. Enf't Rsch. Bull., 2022 - HeinOnline
The work of the police and other law enforcement agencies is rarely viewed through the lens
of ages, where an age is understood to be a distinct period in history characterised by …
of ages, where an age is understood to be a distinct period in history characterised by …
Obrazy architektury: reprezentacje idei architektonicznej w kontekście współczesnej kultury wizualnej
K Koszewski - Prace Naukowe Politechniki Warszawskiej. Seria …, 2019 - yadda.icm.edu.pl
19. Belluzzi, Giovanni Battista. 1598. Nuoua inuentione di fabricar fortezze, di varie forme. In
qualunque sito di piano, di monte, in acqua, con diuersi disegni, et vn trattato del modo, che …
qualunque sito di piano, di monte, in acqua, con diuersi disegni, et vn trattato del modo, che …
Из истории двоичной системы счисления. Хуан Карамюэль
ДМ Златопольский, ВВ Шилов - Информатика в школе, 2020 - school.infojournal.ru
Аннотация В статье, в дополнение к предыдущей публикации авторов, показывается,
что двоичную систему счисления описывали и до великого немецкого ученого …
что двоичную систему счисления описывали и до великого немецкого ученого …
What is academic plagiarism?
MV Dougherty, MV Dougherty - … Scholarly Record for Research Integrity: In …, 2018 - Springer
This chapter defends a fourfold heuristic for determining when academic plagiarism has
occurred. Drawing from contemporary literature on research integrity, I propose that …
occurred. Drawing from contemporary literature on research integrity, I propose that …
Schwarz-Weiß-Denken in der Forschung?!
A Rossmann - Rationalität im 21. Jahrhundert, 2024 - nomos-elibrary.de
Im Sommer 2022 war in Deutschland ein Partyschlager in den Charts, bei dem hitzig
darüber debattiert wurde, ob man ihn überhaupt spielen dürfe. In» Layla «von DJ Robin und …
darüber debattiert wurde, ob man ihn überhaupt spielen dürfe. In» Layla «von DJ Robin und …