Sustainable Forest Operations (SFO): A new paradigm in a changing world and climate
The effective implementation of sustainable forest management depends largely on carrying
out forest operations in a sustainable manner. Climate change, as well as the increasing …
out forest operations in a sustainable manner. Climate change, as well as the increasing …
Expanding ground-based harvesting onto steep terrain: A review
R Visser, K Stampfer - Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering: Journal …, 2015 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak Timber harvesting on steep terrain has always been, and will remain, a challenge in
terms of economic viability, safety and environmental performance. For almost a century …
terms of economic viability, safety and environmental performance. For almost a century …
Vehicle-induced compaction of forest soil affects plant morphological and physiological attributes: A meta-analysis
A main disadvantage of heavy machinery in forest operation is soil compaction. Compacted
soils may be a barrier to seedling growth, even though the exact mechanisms of action are …
soils may be a barrier to seedling growth, even though the exact mechanisms of action are …
Workload, exposure to noise, and risk of musculoskeletal disorders: A case study of motor-manual tree feeling and processing in poplar clear cuts
Motor-manual tree felling and processing (MMTFP) is among the most used options in
timber harvesting operations and it is formally known to be a heavy job exposing the workers …
timber harvesting operations and it is formally known to be a heavy job exposing the workers …
Occupational electrical accidents: Assessing the role of personal and safety climate factors
A research survey is conducted in the large public sector electrical utility in the Kerala state
of India. The measurement scale for personal factors like self-esteem, job stress, personal …
of India. The measurement scale for personal factors like self-esteem, job stress, personal …
Integrated forest management to prevent wildfires under Mediterranean environments
This review presents a multidisciplinary framework for integrating the ecological, regulatory,
procedural and technical aspects of forest management for fi res prevention under …
procedural and technical aspects of forest management for fi res prevention under …
Environmental impact assessment of different logging methods in pine forests thinning
Thinning is a crucial operation in forest management, which has important effects also on
understory, fauna and soil. We assessed the impact of semi-mechanized logging systems on …
understory, fauna and soil. We assessed the impact of semi-mechanized logging systems on …
Safety and health in forest harvesting operations. Diagnosis and preventive actions. A review.
P Albizu-Urionabarrenetxea, E Tolosana-Esteban… - Forest …, 2013 - fs.revistas.csic.es
Aim of study: to review the present state of the art in relation to the main labour risks and the
most relevant results of recent studies evaluating the safety and health conditions of the …
most relevant results of recent studies evaluating the safety and health conditions of the …
Skidding operations in thinning and shelterwood cut of mixed stands–Work productivity, energy inputs and emissions
The present study was conducted on the slopes of the Bilogora mountain in the central
region of Croatia. Logging operations were performed at two felling sites with two different …
region of Croatia. Logging operations were performed at two felling sites with two different …
Wood harvesting accidents in the Austrian state forest enterprise 2000–2009
PA Tsioras, C Rottensteiner, K Stampfer - Safety science, 2014 - Elsevier
This paper deals with the analysis of wood harvesting accidents in the period 2000–2009 in
ÖBf AG, Austria's largest forest enterprise. In total 1077 accidents were associated with …
ÖBf AG, Austria's largest forest enterprise. In total 1077 accidents were associated with …