A temporal sediment record of microplastics in an urban lake, London, UK
A radionuclide-dated (210 Pb and 137 Cs) sediment core collected from Hampstead Pond
No. 1, a North London lake, was used to provide novel data on the historical accumulation of …
No. 1, a North London lake, was used to provide novel data on the historical accumulation of …
A 4500-year proxy climate record from peatlands in the North of Ireland: the identification of widespread summer 'drought phases'?
GT Swindles, A Blundell, HM Roe, VA Hall - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2010 - Elsevier
Mid-to-late Holocene high-resolution testate amoebae-derived water table reconstructions
from two peatlands in the North of Ireland are presented. The proxy climate records are …
from two peatlands in the North of Ireland are presented. The proxy climate records are …
A 2800-year palaeoclimatic record from Tore Hill Moss, Strathspey, Scotland: the need for a multi-proxy approach to peat-based climate reconstructions
A Blundell, K Barber - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2005 - Elsevier
Analyses of plant macrofossils, testate amoebae and humification have been carried out on
a 2800-year core from Tore Hill Moss, a raised bog in the Strathspey region of Scotland. All …
a 2800-year core from Tore Hill Moss, a raised bog in the Strathspey region of Scotland. All …
The rapid increases in microplastics in urban lake sediments
M Dong, Z Luo, Q Jiang, X **ng, Q Zhang, Y Sun - Scientific reports, 2020 - nature.com
Microplastics have received widespread attention as an emerging global pollutant.
However, the research on the abundance and characteristics of microplastics entering the …
However, the research on the abundance and characteristics of microplastics entering the …
Downward migrating microplastics in lake sediments are a tricky indicator for the onset of the Anthropocene
Plastics are a recent particulate material in Earth's history. Because of plastics persistence
and wide-range presence, it has a great potential of being a global age marker and …
and wide-range presence, it has a great potential of being a global age marker and …
Spheroidal carbonaceous fly ash particles provide a globally synchronous stratigraphic marker for the Anthropocene
NL Rose - Environmental Science & Technology, 2015 - ACS Publications
Human impacts on Earth are now so great that they have led to the concept of a new
geological epoch defined by this global human influence: the Anthropocene. While not …
geological epoch defined by this global human influence: the Anthropocene. While not …
An assessment of the mechanisms for the transfer of lead and mercury from atmospherically contaminated organic soils to lake sediments with particular reference to …
While the sediment records of upland lakes are known to be valuable natural archives of
depositional changes, recent studies in the UK have shown that full basin records of trace …
depositional changes, recent studies in the UK have shown that full basin records of trace …
Trace element pollution records in some UK lake sediments, their history, influence factors and regional differences
Sediment cores were taken from six sites across the UK. Apart from Banbury Reservoir in
London, all the other sites are relatively remote lakes. Trace elements Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, Ni …
London, all the other sites are relatively remote lakes. Trace elements Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, Ni …
Contamination of depressional wetlands in the Mpumalanga Lake District of South Africa near a global emission hotspot
Abstract The Mpumalanga Lake District (MLD) of South Africa hosts a regionally unique
cluster of water bodies of great importance for wetland biodiversity. It is also located close to …
cluster of water bodies of great importance for wetland biodiversity. It is also located close to …
Monitoring impacts of urbanisation and industrialisation on air quality in the Anthropocene using urban pond sediments
The release of toxic atmospheric pollutants since the Industrial Revolution is a major global
challenge, driving climate change and damaging human health. Spatial health inequalities …
challenge, driving climate change and damaging human health. Spatial health inequalities …