A review on material mix proportion and strength influence parameters of geopolymer concrete: Application of ANN model for GPC strength prediction
Concrete is a combination of cement, sand, aggregate, and water. Cement manufacturing
causes the generation of various gases, mainly greenhouse gases like CO 2 in the …
causes the generation of various gases, mainly greenhouse gases like CO 2 in the …
Application of silica-rich biomass ash solid waste in geopolymer preparation: A review
Silica-rich biomass ash (BMA), such as rice husk ash (RHA), sugar cane bagasse ash
(SCBA), and corn cob ash (CCA), refer to solid waste that is generated from the combustion …
(SCBA), and corn cob ash (CCA), refer to solid waste that is generated from the combustion …
Mechanical and microstructural properties of fly ash based geopolymer concrete incorporating alccofine at ambient curing
In this study, the findings of the properties of fly ash based geopolymer concrete
incorporating alccofine at ambient temperature, using 100% raw waste material as a binder …
incorporating alccofine at ambient temperature, using 100% raw waste material as a binder …
Enhanced properties of high-silica rice husk ash-based geopolymer paste by incorporating basalt fibers
In this study, the effect of different basalt fiber contents (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 100% by
binder mass) as a replacement of rice husk ash on the fresh, hardened and microstructural …
binder mass) as a replacement of rice husk ash on the fresh, hardened and microstructural …
Effects of alccofine and curing conditions on properties of low calcium fly ash-based geopolymer concrete
In order to employ the waste from plants, geopolymer concrete was manufactured with low
calcium fly ash, alccofine, sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide as main ingredients. This …
calcium fly ash, alccofine, sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide as main ingredients. This …
Properties of hybrid geopolymer concrete prepared using rice husk ash, fly ash and GGBS with coconut fiber
In this study, geopolymer concrete was developed using three by-product components ie,
rice husk ash (RHA), fly ash (FA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) along …
rice husk ash (RHA), fly ash (FA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) along …
Use of alccofine-1203 in concrete: review on mechanical and durability properties
In the construction field, supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) have brought about a
technological revolution in the manufacturing of concrete as a partial replacement or …
technological revolution in the manufacturing of concrete as a partial replacement or …
Predicting relationship between mechanical properties of low calcium fly ash-based geopolymer concrete
This paper presents the results of the experimental study carried out on geopolymer
concrete with the inclusion of alccofine. Efforts have been made to achieve the required …
concrete with the inclusion of alccofine. Efforts have been made to achieve the required …
Impact strength of rice husk ash and basalt fibre based sustainable geopolymer concrete in rigid pavements
In this analysis, the alkaline activators prepared by mixing sodium hydroxide and sodium
silicate and rice husk ash (RHA) were used as the source material in geopolymer concrete …
silicate and rice husk ash (RHA) were used as the source material in geopolymer concrete …
Durability of rice husk ash and basalt fibre based sustainable geopolymer concrete in rigid pavements
Rice husk ash (RHA) was employed as source material in geopolymer concrete in the
presence of an alkaline activator, which was prepared by combining sodium hydroxide and …
presence of an alkaline activator, which was prepared by combining sodium hydroxide and …