Variable structure control of nonlinear multivariable systems: a tutorial

RA DeCarlo, SH Zak, GP Matthews - Proceedings of the IEEE, 1988 -
The design of variable-structure control (VSC) systems for a class of multivariable, nonlinear,
time-varying systems is presented. Using the Utkin-Drazenovic method of equivalent control …

[КНИГА][B] Adaptive control systems: Techniques and applications

YY Chalam - 2017 -
impossible to access. It has been widely scattered in papers, reports, and proceedings
ofsymposia, with different authors employing different symbols and terms. But now thereis a …

Robustness of uncertain systems in the absence of matching assumptions

YH Chen, G Leitmann - International Journal of Control, 1987 - Taylor & Francis
We consider a class of uncertain dynamical systems containing uncertain elements. These
may be due to model-parameter uncertainty, input disturbance and measurement noise. We …

Wheel slip control for the electric vehicle with in-wheel motors: Variable structure and sliding mode methods

D Savitski, V Ivanov, K Augsburg… - IEEE Transactions …, 2019 -
The article introduces four variants of the controller design for a continuous wheel slip
control (WSC) system developed for the full electric vehicle equipped with individual in …

Control of flexible joint robot system by backstep** design approach

JH Oh, JS Lee - Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 1999 - Taylor & Francis
The adaptive backstep** design approach to the control of flexible joint robot
manipulators is presented. When the system parameters are known, the backstep** …

Stabilization of uncertain dynamic systems including state delay

E Cheres, S Gutman, ZJ Palmor - IEEE Transactions on …, 1989 -
The authors consider a class of time-varying systems with time-varying state delay and
uncertain input and parameters. They present sufficient conditions on the open loop to …

On one approach to the control of uncertain systems

G Leitmann - 1993 -
This paper is a personal history of one area of research with which I have been concerned
over the past twenty years and which continues to attract my albeit waning attention, the …

Delayed sliding mode control

D Efimov, A Polyakov, L Fridman, W Perruquetti… - Automatica, 2016 - Elsevier
A new sliding mode control approach is introduced in this work with the dedicated
mathematical tools. A time-delay modification/approximation of sign function is proposed …

Performance analysis of controlled uncertain systems

YH Chen - Dynamics and Control, 1996 - Springer
Robust control which is designed via the Lyapunov approach has been shown to be
effective for nonlinear uncertain systems. The performance of the controlled systems is …

Controller design for uncertain systems via Lyapunov functions

L Corless, G Leitmann - 1988 American control conference, 1988 -
We present a controller design methodology for uncertain systems which is based on the
constructive use of Lyapunov functions. The uncertainties, which are deterministic, are …