Electrochemical C–N coupling of CO 2 and nitrogenous small molecules for the electrosynthesis of organonitrogen compounds
Electrochemical C–N coupling reactions based on abundant small molecules (such as CO2
and N2) have attracted increasing attention as a new “green synthetic strategy” for the …
and N2) have attracted increasing attention as a new “green synthetic strategy” for the …
Photocatalytic degradation of organic and inorganic pollutants to harmless end products: assessment of practical application potential for water and air cleaning
It is well-documented that large-scale pollution generated by human activity has a dramatic
impact on ecosystems. In this context, removing harmful chemicals via photocatalysis has …
impact on ecosystems. In this context, removing harmful chemicals via photocatalysis has …
Electrocatalytic reduction of nitrate–a step towards a sustainable nitrogen cycle
Nitrate enrichment, which is mainly caused by the over-utilization of fertilisers and industrial
sewage discharge, is a major global engineering challenge because of its negative …
sewage discharge, is a major global engineering challenge because of its negative …
[HTML][HTML] Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) based wastewater treatment-unexpected nitration side reactions-a serious environmental issue: A review
Chemical compounds containing nitro group (nitro-products) are a one of toxic by-products,
that can be formed during wastewater treatment processes. In case of presence of nitrite or …
that can be formed during wastewater treatment processes. In case of presence of nitrite or …
Recent advances in polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIMs) membranes: Delving into the intrinsic microstructure for carbon capture and arduous industrial …
Polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIMs) are unique polymers known for their intrinsic micro-
scale porosity contributed by bulky and rigid contortion sites in the polymer backbone …
scale porosity contributed by bulky and rigid contortion sites in the polymer backbone …
Recent advances in non-noble metal electrocatalysts for nitrate reduction
Nitrate pollution has become a serious global problem, threatening human health and
ecosystems. The electrochemical reduction has emerged as an energy-efficient and …
ecosystems. The electrochemical reduction has emerged as an energy-efficient and …
Electrified membranes for water treatment applications
Electrified membranes (EMs) have the potential to address inherent limitations of
conventional membrane technologies. Recent studies have demonstrated that EMs exhibit …
conventional membrane technologies. Recent studies have demonstrated that EMs exhibit …
Restoring the nitrogen cycle by electrochemical reduction of nitrate: progress and prospects
The increasing amount of anthropogenic nitrogen has resulted in alarming levels of nitrate in
bodies of water and caused a cascade of damage to the environment and human health …
bodies of water and caused a cascade of damage to the environment and human health …
Recent advances and challenges of electrochemical ammonia synthesis
Ammonia is essential for human activities because approximately 50% of global food
production relies on ammonia-derived fertilizers. Great efforts have been devoted to develop …
production relies on ammonia-derived fertilizers. Great efforts have been devoted to develop …
Electrocatalytic reduction of nitrate: Fundamentals to full-scale water treatment applications
Nitrate contamination in surface and ground waters is one of this century's major
engineering challenges due to negative environmental impacts and the risk to human health …
engineering challenges due to negative environmental impacts and the risk to human health …