[BOK][B] The development paths and relationships of value creation and capture: an investigation of digital ventures using System Dynamics

MA Lycko - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Purpose: While many digital ventures strive for high growth, they may neglect develo** an
ability to capture value, causing their failure or dependence on investors' funding. Therefore …


P KÜSBECİ - researchgate.net
ÖZET ABSTRACT Bu çalışmada, yeni girişimler başlatarak veya mevcut olanları
dönüştürerek ekonomik veya sosyal değer yaratmak için dijital teknolojiyi kullanan dijital …

Elements for Develo** a Value-Added Digital Services Model for Rural Entrepreneurs in Namibia: An Exploratory Study

EU Kamutuezu, H Winschiers-Theophilus, A Peters - 2021 - aisel.aisnet.org
Supporting digitally enabled entrepreneurship in rural areas requires a holistic approach to
ensure rural entrepreneurs take advantage of digital services finding innovative solutions …