A review on remote sensing of weeds in agriculture

KR Thorp, LF Tian - Precision Agriculture, 2004 - Springer
In the effort of develo** precision agriculture tools, remote sensing has been commonly
considered as an effective technique for weed patch delineation, where weed infestations …

Predicting weed emergence: a review of approaches and future challenges

AC Grundy - Weed research, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
In relatively short‐term studies it is often difficult to identify the factors that are important in
determining the patterns of emergence for different weed species. When results from longer …

The quantitative relationship between weed emergence and the physical properties of mulches

JR Teasdale, CL Mohler - Weed Science, 2000 - cambridge.org
Mulches on the soil surface are known to suppress weed emergence, but the quantitative
relationships between emergence and mulch properties have not been clearly defined. A …

Implications of weed seedbank dynamics to weed management

DD Buhler, RG Hartzler, F Forcella - Weed Science, 1997 - cambridge.org
The species composition and density of weed seed in the soil vary greatly and are closely
linked to the crop** history of the land. Altering tillage practices changes weed seed depth …

Weed seedbanks of the US corn belt: magnitude, variation, emergence, and application

F Forcella, RG Wilson, KA Renner, J Dekker… - Weed Science, 1992 - cambridge.org
Seedbanks and seedling emergence of annual weeds were examined in arable fields at
eight locations in the Corn Belt. Seed densities were estimated by direct seed extraction …

The theory and application of plant competition models: an agronomic perspective

SE Park, LR Benjamin, AR Watkinson - Annals of Botany, 2003 - academic.oup.com
Many studies of plant competition have been directed towards understanding how plants
respond to density in monocultures and how the presence of weeds affects yield in crops. In …

Analysis of spatial distribution of common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) in no-till soybean (Glycine max)

J Cardina, DH Sparrow, EL McCOY - Weed science, 1995 - cambridge.org
The nonuniform spatial distribution of weeds complicates sampling, modeling, and
management of weed populations. Principles of a rational approach to analysis of weed …

Late-season seed production in arable weed communities: management implications

MV Bagavathiannan, JK Norsworthy - Weed Science, 2012 - cambridge.org
Late-season weed escapes are often ignored because they rarely cause crop yield penalty.
Traditional weed management recommendations are based on the economic threshold (ET) …

Application of weed seedbank ecology to low‐input crop management

F Forcella, K Eradat-Oskoui… - Ecological …, 1993 - Wiley Online Library
Pesticide use in the United States is concentrated in the Corn Belt, mainly in the form of
herbicides on corn (Zea mays) and soybean (Glycine max). If this chemical load to the …

Ecological implications of using thresholds for weed management

RF Norris - Expanding the context of weed management, 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Various types of thresholds have been developed for weed management in an attempt to
provide a more rational approach to decision making. The economic threshold concept was …