[HTML][HTML] Global analysis of cyclone-induced compound precipitation and wind extreme events

M Messmer, I Simmonds - Weather and Climate Extremes, 2021 - Elsevier
Compound extremes, which involve extremes in two or more meteorological parameters,
have received little attention until now. We present a new global climatology of compound …

[HTML][HTML] Ianos—A hurricane in the Mediterranean

K Lagouvardos, A Karagiannidis… - Bulletin of the …, 2022 - journals.ametsoc.org
Abstract During 15–21 September 2020, an intense medicane, named Ianos, formed over
the warm Mediterranean Sea. Following a path of approximately 1,900 km, Medicane Ianos …

[HTML][HTML] Dynamical forcings in heavy precipitation events over Italy: lessons from the HyMeX SOP1 campaign

MM Miglietta, S Davolio - Hydrology and Earth System …, 2022 - hess.copernicus.org
Abstract The first Special Observation Period (SOP1) of HyMeX (Hydrological cycle in the
Mediterranean eXperiment) was held in fall 2012 and focused on heavy precipitation events …

A new refinement of Mediterranean tropical‐like cyclones characteristics

J Gutiérrez‐Fernández, MM Miglietta… - Geophysical …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Several warm‐core cyclones in the Mediterranean, which were analyzed in the literature,
are studied using ERA5 reanalysis, to identify the environment where they develop and …

Dry air intrusions link Rossby wave breaking to large-scale dust storms in Northwest Africa: Four extreme cases

E Fluck, S Raveh-Rubin - Atmospheric Research, 2023 - Elsevier
Large dust storms in the Saharan desert and the subsequent transport of airborne dust over
large distances are a major meteorological hazard. Several mechanisms associated to dust …

Helios and Juliette: Two falsely acclaimed medicanes?

LP d'Adderio, G Panegrossi, S Dafis, JF Rysman… - Atmospheric …, 2024 - Elsevier
The present work analyzes the synoptic, thermodynamic, and microphysics characteristics of
two Mediterranean cyclones that occurred in February–March 2023. The analysis is mainly …

[HTML][HTML] Evaluation of the sensitivity of medicane ianos to model microphysics and initial conditions using satellite measurements

A Comellas Prat, S Federico, RC Torcasio… - Remote Sensing, 2021 - mdpi.com
Tropical-like cyclone (TLC or medicane) Ianos formed during mid-September 2020 over the
Southern Mediterranean Sea, and, during its mature stage on days 17–18, it affected …

[HTML][HTML] Classification of daily heavy precipitation patterns and associated synoptic types in the Campania Region (southern Italy)

V Capozzi, C Annella, G Budillon - Atmospheric Research, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract Using a 20-year (2002− 2021) dataset of daily precipitation collected by 107 rain
gauges in the period from October to May, this study introduces a classification of the main …

Warm core and deep convection in medicanes: a passive microwave-based investigation

G Panegrossi, LP D'Adderio, S Dafis, JF Rysman… - Remote Sensing, 2023 - mdpi.com
Mediterranean hurricanes (Medicanes) are characterized by the presence of a quasi-cloud-
free calm eye, spiral-like cloud bands, and strong winds around the vortex center. Typically …

Insights into the convective evolution of Mediterranean tropical‐like cyclones

S Dafis, C Claud, V Kotroni… - Quarterly Journal of …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
This study aims at understanding how deep convection is organized and contributes to the
intensification of nine Mediterranean tropical‐like cyclones which developed between 2005 …