Environmental care attitudes and intention to purchase green products: Impact of environmental knowledge, word of mouth, and green marketing
The intention to purchase green products cannot be separated from environmental
consciousness among people. This study analyzes the effect of environmental knowledge …
consciousness among people. This study analyzes the effect of environmental knowledge …
Relating the role of green self‐concepts and identity on green purchasing behaviour: An empirical analysis
N Sharma, R Saha, VR Sreedharan… - Business Strategy and …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
At present, consumers in emerging economies are becoming more conscious about
environmental well‐being. Therefore, organizations compete to make their products and …
environmental well‐being. Therefore, organizations compete to make their products and …
Government is trying but consumers are not buying: A barrier analysis for electric vehicle sales in India
It is a harsh fact that the introduction of various government schemes to push electric vehicle
(EV) utilisation does not seem to appeal to the consumers. There are a few barriers that …
(EV) utilisation does not seem to appeal to the consumers. There are a few barriers that …
Being socially responsible: how green self-identity and locus of control impact green purchasing intentions?
This paper investigates the influence of green self-identity (GSI) and two attributes of locus of
control, namely external environmental locus of control (ExLOC) and pro-environmental …
control, namely external environmental locus of control (ExLOC) and pro-environmental …
Efektifitas penggunaan sosial media Tik Tok sebagai media promosi ditinjau dari perspektif buying behaviors
ET Endarwati, Y Ekawarti - … : Management Development and …, 2021 - ojs.unsulbar.ac.id
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis efektifitas penggunaan sosial media TikTok
sebagai media promosi ditinjau dari persepektif buying behaviors. Penelitian ini …
sebagai media promosi ditinjau dari persepektif buying behaviors. Penelitian ini …
Impact of social media influencers' credibility on millennial consumers' green purchasing behavior: a concept paper on personal and social identities
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide the theoretical insights with regard to the
green purchasing intention–behavior gap and the role played by social media influences in …
green purchasing intention–behavior gap and the role played by social media influences in …
Moral disengagement: A guilt free mechanism for non-green buying behavior
Occasionally consumers alter between the decision of buying or not buying green. Morality
calls them to be green by buying green products, but owing to several barriers, they …
calls them to be green by buying green products, but owing to several barriers, they …
Examining a theoretical model of eco‐anxiety on consumers' intentions towards green products
Given the current levels of pollution and global warming concerns, consumers started to be
more and more involved with environmental issues, becoming more anxious regarding the …
more and more involved with environmental issues, becoming more anxious regarding the …
Bright and dark sides of green consumerism: An in-depth qualitative investigation in retailing context
This study aims to enhance the understanding of green consumption behavior dynamics by
exploring the influencing factors, perceptions, motivators, barriers, and consequences of …
exploring the influencing factors, perceptions, motivators, barriers, and consequences of …
[HTML][HTML] Understanding how virtuous lenders encourage support for peer-to-peer platforms' prosocial initiatives
Abstract Peer-to-peer (P2P) rental service platforms—ie, platforms where owners of private
possessions (eg, houses) lend them to other people—often deliver appeals that encourage …
possessions (eg, houses) lend them to other people—often deliver appeals that encourage …