An approach to path movement in the diachronic study of sign languages: Biomechanics and nonarbitrariness

DJ Napoli, N Sanders - Diachronica, 2024 -
Sign languages seem not to be amenable to traditional historical reconstruction via the
comparative method, making it difficult to replicate the successes achieved in the diachronic …

Language Prejudice and Language Structure: On Missing and Emerging Conjunctions in Libras and Other Sign Languages

A Rodrigues, R Pfau - … : Critical Approaches to Language Diversity in Brazil, 2023 - Springer
Sign languages, just like many indigenous languages, have traditionally been subject to
language prejudice and suppression, based in no small part on invalid claims about their …

Much more than a treasure: the life stories of elderly Deaf people

R Pfau, A Göksel, J Hosemann - Our Lives–Our Stories: Life …, 2021 -
The documentary We were there... We are here, one of the outputs of the SIGNHUB project
(see Section 2.2), begins with the signed comment “History tells the stories of HEARING …

Nelle mani giuste: trascrivere e sottotitolare una fonte orale in lingua dei segni

L Des Dorides - Scrivere (quasi) la stessa cosa: la trascrizione come …, 2022 -
Uno degli inganni del nostro passato è stato quello di ritenere che le lingue potessero
esprimersi solamente attraverso la parola e ancora nel 1960, descrivendo le 13 …