Internet of Things and its applications: A comprehensive survey
With the evolution of the fifth-generation (5G) wireless network, the Internet of Things (IoT)
has become a revolutionary technique that enables a diverse number of features and …
has become a revolutionary technique that enables a diverse number of features and …
[HTML][HTML] Intelligent authentication of 5G healthcare devices: A survey
The dynamic nature of wireless links and the mobility of devices connected to the Internet of
Things (IoT) over fifth-generation (5G) networks (IoT-5G), on the one hand, empowers …
Things (IoT) over fifth-generation (5G) networks (IoT-5G), on the one hand, empowers …
Industrial communication systems and their future challenges: Next-generation Ethernet, IIoT, and 5G
Industrial communication systems represent one of the most important innovations of the last
decades in the context of factory and process automation systems. They are networks …
decades in the context of factory and process automation systems. They are networks …
An automated low cost IoT based Fertilizer Intimation System for smart agriculture
This paper presents an Internet of Things (IoT) based system by designing a novel Nitrogen-
Phosphorus-Potassium (NPK) sensor with Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) and Light …
Phosphorus-Potassium (NPK) sensor with Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) and Light …
LoRaWAN security survey: Issues, threats and possible mitigation techniques
With the emergence of IoT, new communication technologies have been proposed to cope
with the IoT large scale, and the” things” constraints in terms of power and processing …
with the IoT large scale, and the” things” constraints in terms of power and processing …
LoRa beyond ALOHA: An investigation of alternative random access protocols
In this article, we present a stochastic geometry-based model to investigate alternative
medium access choices for LoRaWAN-a widely adopted low-power wide-area network …
medium access choices for LoRaWAN-a widely adopted low-power wide-area network …
Towards low-latency service delivery in a continuum of virtual resources: State-of-the-art and research directions
The advent of softwarized networks has enabled the deployment of chains of virtual network
and service components on computational resources from the cloud up to the edge, creating …
and service components on computational resources from the cloud up to the edge, creating …
[HTML][HTML] Future wireless communication technology towards 6G IoT: An application-based analysis of IoT in real-time location monitoring of employees inside …
In recent years, the IoT has emerged as the most promising technology in the key evolution
of industry 4.0/industry 5.0, smart home automation (SHA), smart cities, energy savings and …
of industry 4.0/industry 5.0, smart home automation (SHA), smart cities, energy savings and …
RT-LoRa: A medium access strategy to support real-time flows over LoRa-based networks for industrial IoT applications
Low power wide area networks (LPWANs) are suitable for many applications that require
low energy consumption, support for a high number of nodes, and large coverage range …
low energy consumption, support for a high number of nodes, and large coverage range …
A comprehensive study on IoT based accident detection systems for smart vehicles
With population growth, the demand for vehicles has increased tremendously, which has
created an alarming situation in terms of traffic hazards and road accidents. The road …
created an alarming situation in terms of traffic hazards and road accidents. The road …