Putting out the fires: will higher taxes reduce the onset of youth smoking?

P DeCicca, D Kenkel, A Mathios - Journal of political …, 2002‏ - journals.uchicago.edu
This paper reexamines whether higher cigarette taxes will substantially reduce youth
smoking. We study the impact of taxes during exactly the period in adolescence in which …

Measuring peer effects on youth smoking behaviour

R Nakajima - The Review of Economic Studies, 2007‏ - academic.oup.com
This paper examines the role of peer effects in teenagers' smoking behaviour in the USA I
present a random utility model that incorporates complementarity between individual and …

Youth smoking, cigarette prices, and anti‐smoking sentiment

P DeCicca, D Kenkel, A Mathios, YJ Shin… - Health …, 2008‏ - Wiley Online Library
In this paper, we develop a new direct measure of state anti‐smoking sentiment and merge it
with micro‐data on youth smoking in 1992 and 2000. The empirical results from the cross …

The impact of tobacco prices on smoking onset: a methodological review

GE Guindon - Tobacco control, 2014‏ - tobaccocontrol.bmj.com
The benefits of preventing smoking onset are well known. Existing reviews clearly
demonstrate that increasing the prices of tobacco products reduces smoking prevalence and …

Social capital and substance use among Swedish adolescents—an explorative study

P Lundborg - Social science & medicine, 2005‏ - Elsevier
Cross-sectional survey data on Swedish adolescents aged 12–18 was used to estimate the
link between individual social capital and smoking, illicit drug use and binge drinking. Major …

Smoking initiation among youth: the role of cigarette excise taxes and prices by race/ethnicity and gender

JM Nonnemaker, MC Farrelly - Journal of health economics, 2011‏ - Elsevier
Existing evidence for the role of cigarette excise taxes and prices as significant determinants
of youth smoking initiation is mixed. A few studies have considered the possibility that the …

Tobacco control policies are egalitarian: a vulnerabilities perspective on clean indoor air laws, cigarette prices, and tobacco use disparities

A Dinno, S Glantz - Social science & medicine, 2009‏ - Elsevier
This study models independent associations of state or local strong clean indoor air laws
and cigarette prices with current smoker status and consumption in a multilevel framework …

Differential impact of state tobacco control policies among race and ethnic groups

JA Tauras - Addiction, 2007‏ - Wiley Online Library
Aims This paper describes patterns of racial and ethnic cigarette use in the United States
and discusses changes in state‐level tobacco control policies. Moreover, this paper reviews …

Do they know what they are doing? Risk perceptions and smoking behaviour among Swedish teenagers

P Lundborg, B Lindgren - Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2004‏ - Springer
Cross-sectional survey data on Swedish adolescents aged 12–18 was used to analyse
perceived risks of smoking-related lung cancer, the determinants of these risk perceptions …

Why have tobacco control policies stalled? Using genetic moderation to examine policy impacts

JM Fletcher - PloS one, 2012‏ - journals.plos.org
Background Research has shown that tobacco control policies have helped produce the
dramatic decline in use over the decades following the 1964 surgeon general's report …