Ditransitive constructions

M Haspelmath - Annu. Rev. Linguist., 2015 - annualreviews.org
Ditransitive constructions are syntactic constructions with three arguments, an agent (A), a
theme (T), and a recipient (R), which express an event of possessive transfer …

Argument indexing: A conceptual framework for the syntactic status of bound person forms

M Haspelmath - Languages across boundaries: Studies in memory …, 2013 - degruyter.com
In this article, I propose that the concept of (argument) indexing is more useful in typology
(and typically also in language description) than the commonly used concepts of pronoun …

On S, A, P, T, and R as comparative concepts for alignment typology

M Haspelmath - 2011 - degruyter.com
The terms S (intransitive), A, P (transitive), as well as T and R (ditransitive) have been used
since the 1970s to allow linguists to characterize the differences between major alignment …

[PDF][PDF] Differential argument marking: Patterns of variation

A Witzlack-Makarevich, IA Seržant - Diachrony of differential …, 2018 - library.oapen.org
In this introductory article we provide an overview of the range of the phenomena that can be
referred to as differential argument marking (DAM). We begin with an overview of the …

[BOK][B] Adverbial clauses in cross-linguistic perspective

K Hetterle - 2015 - books.google.com
This study investigates adverbial clauses from a cross-linguistic perspective. In line with
other recent typological research in the context of complex sentences and clause-linkage, it …

Distributional typology: Statistical inquiries into the dynamics of linguistic diversity

B Bickel - 2015 - academic.oup.com
Over the past two decades, linguistic typology has been moving increasingly away from its
original goal of classifying languages into ideal types that would be constrained by …

[BOK][B] Voice syncretism

NN Bahrt - 2022 - library.oapen.org
This book provides a comprehensive typological account of voice syncretism, focusing on
resemblance in formal verbal marking between two or more of the following seven voices …

[BOK][B] A grammar of Yakkha

D Schackow - 2015 - library.oapen.org
This grammar provides the first comprehensive grammatical description of Yakkha, a Sino-
Tibetan language of the Kiranti branch. Yakkha is spoken by about 14,000 speakers in …

Transitivity prominence

M Haspelmath - Valency classes in the world's languages, 2015 - degruyter.com
It is often taken for granted that languages have a large number of transitive verbs, or even
that the typical two-argument verb is transitive. And indeed, this paper will provide further …

Morphosyntactic complexity: A typology of lexical splits

GG Corbett - Language, 2015 - muse.jhu.edu
A key notion in understanding language is 'possible word (lexeme)'. While there are
lexemes that are internally homogeneous and externally consistent, we find others with …