[HTML][HTML] Assortative mating and parental genetic relatedness contribute to the pathogenicity of variably expressive variants

C Smolen, M Jensen, L Dyer, L Pizzo… - The American Journal of …, 2023 - cell.com
We examined more than 97,000 families from four neurodevelopmental disease cohorts and
the UK Biobank to identify phenotypic and genetic patterns in parents contributing to …

Editorial on the Special Issue “Changes in Educational Homogamy and Its Consequences”

P Blossfeld, S Scherer, W Uunk - Comparative …, 2024 - comparativepopulationstudies.de
Recent decades have seen major changes in the educational profiles of the populations of
Western industrialised countries, notably a sharp rise in educational attainment and a …

The genomic footprint of social stratification in admixing American populations

A Mas-Sandoval, S Mathieson, M Fumagalli - Elife, 2023 - elifesciences.org
Cultural and socioeconomic differences stratify human societies and shape their genetic
structure beyond the sole effect of geography. Despite mating being limited by sociocultural …

[HTML][HTML] Couple partnership and divorce in domestic and non-European international adoptees. A Swedish national cohort study with follow up until 36 to 45 years

A Hjern, J Palacios, J Despax, B Vinnerljung - Children and Youth Services …, 2023 - Elsevier
Adoption research shows a growing interest in adopted persons in their adult years. This
article examines couple partnerships and divorce among adult adoptees and non-adoptees …

[KNYGA][B] Evolutionary behavioral ecology and psychopathy

J Međedović - 2023 - Springer
Ten years ago, I read the manuscript entitled “Evolutionary Genetics of Personality” authored
by Lars Penke, Jaap Denissen, and Geoffrey Miller. I was a PhD student back than and I did …

A genetic and linguistic analysis of the admixture histories of the islands of Cabo Verde

R Laurent, ZA Szpiech, SS da Costa, V Thouzeau… - Elife, 2023 - elifesciences.org
From the 15th to the 19th century, the Trans-Atlantic Slave-Trade (TAST) influenced the
genetic and cultural diversity of numerous populations. We explore genomic and linguistic …

Pairs show similar risk taking behaviour but only female risk taking behaviour is linked to nest microhabitat choice in the Kentish plover

BZ Kwanye, Z Barta, AD Rocha, A Kosztolányi - Behaviour, 2024 - brill.com
Risk taking behaviour—how individuals perceive and respond to threat—varies among
individuals. In birds, this behaviour influences the choice of nest microhabitat presumably …

In‐stream population structuring of Lake Sturgeon in Northern Manitoba, Canada

PA Nelson, T Gosselin, CA McDougall… - Fisheries …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Lake Sturgeon is a long‐lived, late‐maturing fish that declined significantly in
abundance over the past 150 years. Since the 1990s, stocking has been used to recover …

[PDF][PDF] Hälsa och sociala livsvillkor hos internationellt adopterade i vuxen ålder

A Hjern, B Vinnerljung - Skellefteå, SE: Myndigheten för familjerätt och …, 2022 - mfof.se
Det finns omkring 60 000 internationellt adopterade i Sverige idag. För 20 år sedan visade
registerstudier från Socialstyrelsen att de internationellt adopterade hade påtagligt ökade …

A variance partitioning perspective of assortative mating: Proximate mechanisms and evolutionary implications

B Class, NJ Dingemanse - Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2022 - academic.oup.com
Assortative mating occurs when paired individuals of the same population are more similar
than expected by chance. This form of non‐random assortment has long been predicted to …