[HTML][HTML] Assortative mating and parental genetic relatedness contribute to the pathogenicity of variably expressive variants
We examined more than 97,000 families from four neurodevelopmental disease cohorts and
the UK Biobank to identify phenotypic and genetic patterns in parents contributing to …
the UK Biobank to identify phenotypic and genetic patterns in parents contributing to …
Editorial on the Special Issue “Changes in Educational Homogamy and Its Consequences”
Recent decades have seen major changes in the educational profiles of the populations of
Western industrialised countries, notably a sharp rise in educational attainment and a …
Western industrialised countries, notably a sharp rise in educational attainment and a …
The genomic footprint of social stratification in admixing American populations
Cultural and socioeconomic differences stratify human societies and shape their genetic
structure beyond the sole effect of geography. Despite mating being limited by sociocultural …
structure beyond the sole effect of geography. Despite mating being limited by sociocultural …
[HTML][HTML] Couple partnership and divorce in domestic and non-European international adoptees. A Swedish national cohort study with follow up until 36 to 45 years
Adoption research shows a growing interest in adopted persons in their adult years. This
article examines couple partnerships and divorce among adult adoptees and non-adoptees …
article examines couple partnerships and divorce among adult adoptees and non-adoptees …
[KNYGA][B] Evolutionary behavioral ecology and psychopathy
J Međedović - 2023 - Springer
Ten years ago, I read the manuscript entitled “Evolutionary Genetics of Personality” authored
by Lars Penke, Jaap Denissen, and Geoffrey Miller. I was a PhD student back than and I did …
by Lars Penke, Jaap Denissen, and Geoffrey Miller. I was a PhD student back than and I did …
A genetic and linguistic analysis of the admixture histories of the islands of Cabo Verde
From the 15th to the 19th century, the Trans-Atlantic Slave-Trade (TAST) influenced the
genetic and cultural diversity of numerous populations. We explore genomic and linguistic …
genetic and cultural diversity of numerous populations. We explore genomic and linguistic …
Pairs show similar risk taking behaviour but only female risk taking behaviour is linked to nest microhabitat choice in the Kentish plover
Risk taking behaviour—how individuals perceive and respond to threat—varies among
individuals. In birds, this behaviour influences the choice of nest microhabitat presumably …
individuals. In birds, this behaviour influences the choice of nest microhabitat presumably …
In‐stream population structuring of Lake Sturgeon in Northern Manitoba, Canada
Abstract The Lake Sturgeon is a long‐lived, late‐maturing fish that declined significantly in
abundance over the past 150 years. Since the 1990s, stocking has been used to recover …
abundance over the past 150 years. Since the 1990s, stocking has been used to recover …
[PDF][PDF] Hälsa och sociala livsvillkor hos internationellt adopterade i vuxen ålder
A Hjern, B Vinnerljung - Skellefteå, SE: Myndigheten för familjerätt och …, 2022 - mfof.se
Det finns omkring 60 000 internationellt adopterade i Sverige idag. För 20 år sedan visade
registerstudier från Socialstyrelsen att de internationellt adopterade hade påtagligt ökade …
registerstudier från Socialstyrelsen att de internationellt adopterade hade påtagligt ökade …
A variance partitioning perspective of assortative mating: Proximate mechanisms and evolutionary implications
Assortative mating occurs when paired individuals of the same population are more similar
than expected by chance. This form of non‐random assortment has long been predicted to …
than expected by chance. This form of non‐random assortment has long been predicted to …