[PDF][PDF] Faster computation of isogenies of large prime degree
D Bernstein - 2020 - iacr.steepath.eu
Abstract Let ℰ∕ 𝔽 q be an elliptic curve, and P a point in ℰ (𝔽 q) of prime order ℓ. Vélu's
formulæ let us compute a quotient curve ℰ′= ℰ∕⟨ P⟩ and rational maps defining a …
formulæ let us compute a quotient curve ℰ′= ℰ∕⟨ P⟩ and rational maps defining a …
The SQALE of CSIDH: sublinear Vélu quantum-resistant isogeny action with low exponents
Recent independent analyses by Bonnetain–Schrottenloher and Peikert in Eurocrypt 2020
significantly reduced the estimated quantum security of the isogeny-based commutative …
significantly reduced the estimated quantum security of the isogeny-based commutative …
Weak instances of class group action based cryptography via self-pairings
In this paper we study non-trivial self-pairings with cyclic domains that are compatible with
isogenies between elliptic curves oriented by an imaginary quadratic order O. We prove that …
isogenies between elliptic curves oriented by an imaginary quadratic order O. We prove that …
CSIDH on the surface
For primes p ≡ 3\bmod 4, we show that setting up CSIDH on the surface, ie, using
supersingular elliptic curves with endomorphism ring Z (1+-p)/2, amounts to just a few sign …
supersingular elliptic curves with endomorphism ring Z (1+-p)/2, amounts to just a few sign …
A polynomial time attack on instances of M-SIDH and FESTA
The recent devastating attacks on SIDH rely on the fact that the protocol reveals the images
φ (P) and φ (Q) of the secret isogeny φ: E 0→ E on a basis {P, Q} of the N-torsion subgroup E …
φ (P) and φ (Q) of the secret isogeny φ: E 0→ E on a basis {P, Q} of the N-torsion subgroup E …
CTIDH: faster constant-time CSIDH
This paper introduces a new key space for CSIDH and a new algorithm for constant-time
evaluation of the CSIDH group action. The key space is not useful with previous algorithms …
evaluation of the CSIDH group action. The key space is not useful with previous algorithms …
SiGamal: a supersingular isogeny-based PKE and its application to a PRF
We propose two new supersingular isogeny-based public key encryptions: SiGamal and C-
SiGamal. They were developed by giving an additional point of the order 2^ r 2 r to CSIDH …
SiGamal. They were developed by giving an additional point of the order 2^ r 2 r to CSIDH …
AprésSQI: extra fast verification for SQIsign using extension-field signing
We optimise the verification of the SQIsign signature scheme. By using field extensions in
the signing procedure, we are able to significantly increase the amount of available rational …
the signing procedure, we are able to significantly increase the amount of available rational …
Optimal strategies for CSIDH
JJ Chi-Domínguez… - Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2020 - eprint.iacr.org
Since its proposal in Asiacrypt 2018, the commutative isogeny-based key exchange protocol
(CSIDH) has spurred considerable attention to improving its performance and re-evaluating …
(CSIDH) has spurred considerable attention to improving its performance and re-evaluating …
Further optimizations of CSIDH: a systematic approach to efficient strategies, permutations, and bound vectors
CSIDH is a recent post-quantum key establishment protocol based on constructing
isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves. Several recent works give constant-time …
isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves. Several recent works give constant-time …