The TOTEM experiment at the CERN large hadron collider

G Anelli, G Antchev, P Aspell, V Avati… - Journal of …, 2008 -
The TOTEM Experiment will measure the total pp cross-section with the luminosity-
independent method and study elastic and diffractive scattering at the LHC. To achieve …

Measurement of exclusive production and search for exclusive Higgs boson production in collisions at using the ATLAS detector

M Aaboud, G Aad, B Abbott, J Abdallah, O Abdinov… - Physical Review D, 2016 - APS
Searches for exclusively produced W boson pairs in the process pp (γ γ)→ p W+ Wp and an
exclusively produced Higgs boson in the process pp (gg)→ p H p have been performed …

Building a behemoth

O Brüning, P Collier - Nature, 2007 -
Abstract The Large Hadron Collider makes extensive use of existing CERN infrastructure but
is in many respects an unprecedented undertaking. It is a proton–proton collider; therefore, it …

Cross section ratios between different CM energies at the LHC: opportunities for precision measurements and BSM sensitivity

ML Mangano, J Rojo - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012 - Springer
A bstract The staged increase of the LHC beam energy provides a new class of interesting
observables, namely ratios and double ratios of cross sections of various hard processes …

Development of the CMS detector for the CERN LHC Run 3

A Hayrapetyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2023 -
Since the initial data taking of the CERN LHC, the CMS experiment has undergone
substantial upgrades and improvements. This paper discusses the CMS detector as it is …

Diamond detectors for the TOTEM timing upgrade

G Antchev, P Aspell, I Atanassov, V Avati… - Journal of …, 2017 -
This paper describes the design and the performance of the timing detector developed by
the TOTEM Collaboration for the Roman Pots (RPs) to measure the Time-Of-Flight (TOF) of …

LHC optics measurement with proton tracks detected by the Roman pots of the TOTEM experiment

G Antchev, P Aspell, I Atanassov, V Avati… - New Journal of …, 2014 -
Precise knowledge of the beam optics at the LHC is crucial to fulfill the physics goals of the
TOTEM experiment, where the kinematics of the scattered protons is reconstructed with near …

The CMS precision proton spectrometer: Precision timing with scCVD diamond crystals

E Bossini - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research …, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract The CMS Precision Proton Spectrometer (PPS), operating at the LHC, makes use of
timing detectors based on planar single crystal CVD diamonds to measure the time of arrival …

The CMS Precision Proton Spectrometer timing system: performance in Run 2, future upgrades and sensor radiation hardness studies

E Bossini - Journal of Instrumentation, 2020 -
Central exclusive processes can be studied in CMS by combining the information of the
central detector with the Precision Proton Spectrometer (PPS). PPS detectors, placed …

Phenomenological models of elastic nucleon scattering and predictions for LHC

J Kašpar, V Kundrát, M Lokajíček, J Procházka - Nuclear Physics B, 2011 - Elsevier
The hitherto analyses of elastic collisions of charged nucleons involving common influence
of Coulomb and hadronic scattering have been based practically on West and Yennie …