Contribution of small nocturnal lemurs to seed dispersal in Madagascar: A review

V Ramananjato - Biotropica, 2025 - Wiley Online Library
Animal seed dispersers are crucial in tropical forests because they provide beneficial
impacts to plants, from organisms to communities. Besides frugivorous species, omnivorous …

[HTML][HTML] Small but nice–seed dispersal by tamarins compared to large neotropical primates

EW Heymann, L Fuzessy, L Culot - Diversity, 2022 -
Tamarins, small Neotropical primates of the genera Saguinus and Leontocebus, have a
mainly frugivorous-faunivorous diet. While consuming the pulp of a high diversity of fruit …

Defaunation Increases Clustering and Fine‐Scale Spatial Genetic Structure in a Small‐Seeded Palm Despite Remaining Small‐Bodied Frugivores

T Lamperty, Z Diaz‐Martin, V Swamy… - Molecular …, 2025 - Wiley Online Library
Anthropogenic pressures such as hunting are increasingly driving the localised functional
extinctions of large‐and medium‐sized wildlife in tropical forests, a phenomenon broadly …

Characterizing primate home‐ranges in Amazonia: Using ferns and lycophytes as indicators of site quality

GG Cardenas Ramirez, MM Jones, EW Heymann… - Biotropica, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
The habitats present in research sites across Amazonia have usually been characterized
only very broadly, for example, as inundated or non‐inundated (terra firma) forests …

[HTML][HTML] Scale affects the understanding of biases on the spatial knowledge of Atlantic Forest primates

NS Bosco, VM Prasniewski, JP Santos… - Perspectives in Ecology …, 2022 - Elsevier
The biodiversity knowledge has several deficits. The wallacean shortfall—related to species
distribution unknowledge—is one of the most studied shortfalls. It is important to identify …

Estación Biológica Quebrada Blanco: Un Sitio Poco conocido para investigación en biodiversidad y ecología en la Amazonía peruana

EW Heymann, ER Tirado Herrera - Revista peruana de biología, 2021 -
Resumen HEYMANN, Eckhard W. y TIRADO HERRERA, Emérita R.. Estación Biológica
Quebrada Blanco: A little known site for research in biodiversity and ecology in Peruvian …

Germination success of seeds ingested by Saguinus bicolor

L Siqueira Fernandes, T Venturini Sobroza… - … on Neotropical Fauna …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Frugivory and seed dispersal are fundamental ecological interactions influencing plant
population dynamics and distribution. Still, understanding how the ingestion of seeds by fruit …

Habitat Fragmentation Impacts on Amazonian Nonvolant Mammals

SA Boyle, M Benchimol, M Bobay, T Burrow… - … : Current knowledge and …, 2024 - Springer
Habitat loss and fragmentation are primary threats to mammals in the Amazon. In this
chapter, we review the extent of forest loss and fragmentation, the drivers of such processes …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of seasonality on the feeding behavior of martins' bare-faced tamarin Saguinus martinsi martinsi (Primates: Callitrichidae) in the Brazilian Amazon

LP Silva, LM Santana, FR de Melo - Primate Conservation, 2021 -
Little is known of the ecology of Saguinus martinsi martinsi (Callitrichidae), native to the
Brazilian Amazon. In this study, we present information on its diet, and investigate seasonal …

Pied tamarins change their vocal behavior in response to noise levels in the largest city in the Amazon

TV Sobroza, M Gordo, JC Dunn… - American Journal of …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Many animal species depend on sound to communicate with conspecifics. However, human‐
generated (anthropogenic) noise may mask acoustic signals and so disrupt behavior …