Virtualizing mixed-criticality systems: A survey on industrial trends and issues
Virtualization is gaining attraction in the industry as it promises a flexible way to integrate,
manage, and re-use heterogeneous software components with mixed-criticality levels, on a …
manage, and re-use heterogeneous software components with mixed-criticality levels, on a …
Operating systems and hypervisors for network functions: A survey of enabling technologies and research studies
Scalable and flexible communication networks increasingly conduct the packet processing
for Network Functions (NFs) in General Purpose Computing (GPC) platforms. The …
for Network Functions (NFs) in General Purpose Computing (GPC) platforms. The …
Rt-tee: Real-time system availability for cyber-physical systems using arm trustzone
Embedded devices are becoming increasingly pervasive in safety-critical systems of the
emerging cyber-physical world. While trusted execution environments (TEEs), such as ARM …
emerging cyber-physical world. While trusted execution environments (TEEs), such as ARM …
Bao: A lightweight static partitioning hypervisor for modern multi-core embedded systems
Given the increasingly complex and mixed-criticality nature of modern embedded systems,
virtualization emerges as a natural solution to achieve strong spatial and temporal isolation …
virtualization emerges as a natural solution to achieve strong spatial and temporal isolation …
Container-based real-time scheduling in the linux kernel
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in supporting component-based software
development of complex real-time embedded systems. Techniques such as machine …
development of complex real-time embedded systems. Techniques such as machine …
Real-time multi-core virtual machine scheduling in xen
Recent years have witnessed two major trends in the development of complex real-time
embedded systems. First, to reduce cost and enhance flexibility, multiple systems are …
embedded systems. First, to reduce cost and enhance flexibility, multiple systems are …
React: Enabling real-time container orchestration
Fog and edge computing offer the flexibility and decentralized architecture benefits of cloud
computing without suffering from the latency issues inherent in the cloud. This makes fog …
computing without suffering from the latency issues inherent in the cloud. This makes fog …
Preventing cache-based side-channel attacks in a cloud environment
Cloud computing is a unique technique for outsourcing and aggregating computational
hardware needs. By abstracting the underlying machines cloud computing is able to share …
hardware needs. By abstracting the underlying machines cloud computing is able to share …
Control-as-a-service from the cloud: A case study for using virtualized PLCs
Cloud computing has recently emerged as a new computing paradigm in many application
areas comprising office and enterprise systems. It offers various solutions to provide a …
areas comprising office and enterprise systems. It offers various solutions to provide a …
Look mum, no VM exits!(almost)
Multi-core CPUs are a standard component in many modern embedded systems. Their
virtualisation extensions enable the isolation of services, and gain popularity to implement …
virtualisation extensions enable the isolation of services, and gain popularity to implement …