Preferential flow descriptions for structured soils

HH Gerke - Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
In heterogeneous structured soils, water and transported dissolved substances and
suspended particles and colloids may under certain conditions bypass most of the soil …

A review of model applications for structured soils: a) Water flow and tracer transport

JM Köhne, S Köhne, J Šimůnek - Journal of contaminant hydrology, 2009 - Elsevier
Although it has many positive effects, soil structure may adversely affect the filtering function
of the vadose zone that protects natural water resources from various sources of pollution …

Review of dispersivities for transport modeling in soils

J Vanderborght, H Vereecken - Vadose Zone Journal, 2007 -
The one-dimensional convection–dispersion equation is often used to estimate the risk of
nonpoint source groundwater contamination and the dispersivity in this equation is known to …

A review of soil moisture dynamics: from rainfall infiltration to ecosystem response

E Daly, A Porporato - Environmental engineering science, 2005 -
In this paper we briefly review some aspects of the soil water balance, highlighting the
possible connections and feedbacks among the various processes as well as pointing out …

Quantifying soil structure and preferential flow in intact soil using X‐ray computed tomography

L Luo, H Lin, P Halleck - Soil Science Society of America …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Computed tomography (CT) provides a nondestructive means of observing soil structure
and monitoring solute breakthrough in real time. We investigated an intact soil column 10 cm …

Predicting the soil moisture conditions of Irish grasslands

RPO Schulte, J Diamond, K Finkele, NM Holden… - Irish Journal of …, 2005 - JSTOR
Soil moisture conditions are an important interface between agriculture and the
environment, as they impact on the length of the grazing season, grass growth rate and …

An improved dual-permeability model of water flow and solute transport in the vadose zone

M Larsbo, S Roulier, F Stenemo… - Vadose Zone …, 2005 -
We introduce an improved, one-dimensional, non-steady-state dual-permeability model
(MACRO 5.1). The model simulates water flow and solute transport in the vadose zone of …

A morphological approach to understanding preferential flow using image analysis with dye tracers and X-ray computed tomography

SJ Mooney, C Morris - Catena, 2008 - Elsevier
A key problem facing soil physics and hydropedology at present is some of the standard
theories of water flow in soils do not fully reflect the processes at the pore scale, and thus …

Does water repellency of pyrochars and hydrochars counter their positive effects on soil hydraulic properties?

N Eibisch, W Durner, M Bechtold, R Fuß, R Mikutta… - Geoderma, 2015 - Elsevier
Adding carbon-rich solids from pyrolysis (pyrochars) and hydrothermal carbonization
(hydrochars) to soils can improve their hydraulic properties and increase the plant available …

Quantification of preferential flow and flow heterogeneities in an unsaturated soil planted with different crops using the environmental isotope δ18O

C Stumpp, P Maloszewski - Journal of Hydrology, 2010 - Elsevier
We present a method to quantify preferential flow in the unsaturated zone of cropped soils.
This method was developed for bare soils (Stumpp et al., 2007) and is now applied to a …