Pathways to a net-zero-carbon water sector through energy-extracting wastewater technologies
The energy-consuming and carbon-intensive wastewater treatment plants could become
significant energy producers and recycled organic and metallic material generators, thereby …
significant energy producers and recycled organic and metallic material generators, thereby …
Towards sustainable and energy efficient municipal wastewater treatment by up-concentration of organics
In the last decades, energy scarcity has become an important issue globally. Renewable
energy sources have gained importance due to limited fossil fuel reserves and increased …
energy sources have gained importance due to limited fossil fuel reserves and increased …
Recovery of organic matters by activated sludge from municipal wastewater: Performance and characterization
J Lu, Q Lu, Q Hu, B Qiu - Environmental Research, 2024 - Elsevier
Municipal wastewater treatment processes consume a significant amount of energy and
generate substantial carbon emissions. However, organic matters existing in municipal …
generate substantial carbon emissions. However, organic matters existing in municipal …
Integration of green energy and advanced energy-efficient technologies for municipal wastewater treatment plants
Wastewater treatment can consume a large amount of energy to meet discharge standards.
However, wastewater also contains resources which could be recovered for secondary uses …
However, wastewater also contains resources which could be recovered for secondary uses …
A-Stage process–challenges and drawbacks from lab to full scale studies: a review
In response to the growing global resource scarcity, wastewater is increasingly seen as a
valuable resource to recover and valorise for the benefit of the society rather than another …
valuable resource to recover and valorise for the benefit of the society rather than another …
Use of water treatment plant sludge in high-rate activated sludge systems: A techno-economic investigation
Coagulants such as aluminum sulfate (Al 2 (SO 4) 3 (alum)) and ferric chloride (FeCl 3) used
in water treatment plants (WTPs) led to the generation of sludge that is usually disposed to …
in water treatment plants (WTPs) led to the generation of sludge that is usually disposed to …
[HTML][HTML] Sludge characteristics, system performance and microbial kinetics of ultra-short-SRT activated sludge processes
Y Shao, G Liu, Y Wang, Y Zhang, H Wang, L Qi… - Environment …, 2020 - Elsevier
Activated sludge processes with an ultra-short sludge retention time (ultra-short-SRT) are
considered to have potential for energy and resource recovery from wastewater. The present …
considered to have potential for energy and resource recovery from wastewater. The present …
Impact of seed sludge characteristics on granulation and performance of aerobic granular sludge process
Characteristics of seed sludge are of great importance in granulation and treatment
performance of aerobic granular sludge process. Fast-settling floccular sludge has been …
performance of aerobic granular sludge process. Fast-settling floccular sludge has been …
Moving forward with A-stage and high-rate contact-stabilization for energy efficient water resource recovery facility: Mechanisms, factors, practical approach, and …
High-rate activated sludge systems (HRAS) are gaining attention in Water Resource
Recovery Facilities (WRRFs) seeking to become energy efficient wastewater treatment. One …
Recovery Facilities (WRRFs) seeking to become energy efficient wastewater treatment. One …
Coupling high-rate activated sludge process with aerobic granular sludge process for sustainable municipal wastewater treatment
Achieving a neutral/positive energy balance without compromising discharge standards is
one of the main goals of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in terms of sustainability …
one of the main goals of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in terms of sustainability …