Applications of artificial neural network based battery management systems: A literature review
Lithium-ion batteries have gained significant prominence in various industries due to their
high energy density compared to other battery technologies. This has led to their …
high energy density compared to other battery technologies. This has led to their …
[HTML][HTML] Remaining Useful Life prediction and challenges: A literature review on the use of Machine Learning Methods
Abstract Approaches such as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT),
Internet of Services (IoS), and Data Analytics have built a new paradigm called Industry 4.0 …
Internet of Services (IoS), and Data Analytics have built a new paradigm called Industry 4.0 …
Artificial intelligence applied to battery research: hype or reality?
This is a critical review of artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) methods applied to
battery research. It aims at providing a comprehensive, authoritative, and critical, yet easily …
battery research. It aims at providing a comprehensive, authoritative, and critical, yet easily …
Lithium-ion battery capacity and remaining useful life prediction using board learning system and long short-term memory neural network
S Zhao, C Zhang, Y Wang - Journal of Energy Storage, 2022 - Elsevier
In order for lithium-ion batteries to function reliably and safely, accurate capacity and
remaining useful life (RUL) predictions are essential, but challenging. Some current deep …
remaining useful life (RUL) predictions are essential, but challenging. Some current deep …
Prognostics and health management of Lithium-ion battery using deep learning methods: A review
Y Zhang, YF Li - Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 2022 - Elsevier
Prognostics and health management (PHM) is developed to guarantee the safety and
reliability of Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery during operations. Due to the advantages of deep …
reliability of Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery during operations. Due to the advantages of deep …
Machine learning: an advanced platform for materials development and state prediction in lithium‐ion batteries
Lithium‐ion batteries (LIBs) are vital energy‐storage devices in modern society. However,
the performance and cost are still not satisfactory in terms of energy density, power density …
the performance and cost are still not satisfactory in terms of energy density, power density …
Machine learning in state of health and remaining useful life estimation: Theoretical and technological development in battery degradation modelling
Designing and deployment of state-of-the-art electric vehicles (EVs) in terms of low cost and
high driving range with appropriate reliability and security are identified as the key towards …
high driving range with appropriate reliability and security are identified as the key towards …
The challenge and opportunity of battery lifetime prediction from field data
Accurate battery life prediction is a critical part of the business case for electric vehicles,
stationary energy storage, and nascent applications such as electric aircraft. Existing …
stationary energy storage, and nascent applications such as electric aircraft. Existing …
[HTML][HTML] Deep reinforcement learning for predictive aircraft maintenance using probabilistic remaining-useful-life prognostics
The increasing availability of sensor monitoring data has stimulated the development of
Remaining-Useful-Life (RUL) prognostics and maintenance planning models. However …
Remaining-Useful-Life (RUL) prognostics and maintenance planning models. However …
Towards machine-learning driven prognostics and health management of Li-ion batteries. A comprehensive review
Prognostics and health management (PHM) has emerged as a vital research discipline for
optimizing the maintenance of operating systems by detecting health degradation and …
optimizing the maintenance of operating systems by detecting health degradation and …