[HTML][HTML] Antiprotonic bound systems
A wide range of exotic bound systems incorporating antiprotons (atoms, atomic ions,
molecules or molecular ions) can be formed, in many cases simply by replacing at least one …
molecules or molecular ions) can be formed, in many cases simply by replacing at least one …
Pulsed production of antihydrogen
Antihydrogen atoms with K or sub-K temperature are a powerful tool to precisely probe the
validity of fundamental physics laws and the design of highly sensitive experiments needs …
validity of fundamental physics laws and the design of highly sensitive experiments needs …
Positronium Laser Cooling via the Transition with a Broadband Laser Pulse
We report on laser cooling of a large fraction of positronium (Ps) in free flight by strongly
saturating the 1 3 S-2 3 P transition with a broadband, long-pulsed 243 nm alexandrite laser …
saturating the 1 3 S-2 3 P transition with a broadband, long-pulsed 243 nm alexandrite laser …
High-yield thermalized positronium at room temperature emitted by morphologically tuned nanochanneled silicon targets
Nanochanneled silicon targets with high positron/positronium (Ps) conversion rate and
efficient Ps cooling were produced. Morphological parameters of the nanochannels, such as …
efficient Ps cooling were produced. Morphological parameters of the nanochannels, such as …
CIRCUS: an autonomous control system for antimatter, atomic and quantum physics experiments
A powerful and robust control system is a crucial, often neglected, pillar of any modern,
complex physics experiment that requires the management of a multitude of different …
complex physics experiment that requires the management of a multitude of different …
Forward emission of positronium from nanochanneled silicon membranes
Positronium beam formation and manipulation are required in several fundamental
experiments. Efficient positron/positronium conversion in transmission configuration would …
experiments. Efficient positron/positronium conversion in transmission configuration would …
Generation of a bunched positron beam extracted nonadiabatically from a buffer-gas trap and focused in a free field region
Advanced spectroscopy experiments and new physics experiments with positronium atoms
in vacuum will benefit from positronium production in an environment free of magnetic and …
in vacuum will benefit from positronium production in an environment free of magnetic and …
[HTML][HTML] An alexandrite laser system for positronium laser cooling
We report on a Q-switched alexandrite based∼ 100 ns long pulse duration ultra-violet laser
system. The central wavelength of the fundamental pulse is set by a Volume Bragg Grating …
system. The central wavelength of the fundamental pulse is set by a Volume Bragg Grating …
Coherent laser cooling with trains of ultrashort laser pulses
We propose to extend coherent laser cooling from narrowband to broadband transitions by
using trains of ultrashort broadband pulses. We analytically study two possible methods to …
using trains of ultrashort broadband pulses. We analytically study two possible methods to …
Classical modeling of positronium cooling in silicon nanochannel plates
Silicon nanochannel plates (NCPs) are employed in a variety of experiments as sources of
cold positronium (Ps) via positron to Ps conversion. Despite the widespread use of NCPs, no …
cold positronium (Ps) via positron to Ps conversion. Despite the widespread use of NCPs, no …