Comprehensive study of magnetostriction-based MEMS magnetic sensor of a FeGa/PZT cantilever
This research comprehensively studies a magnetostriction-based cantilever resonator
magnetic sensor of Iron Gallium (FeGa) coupled to a piezoelectric material of lead zirconate …
magnetic sensor of Iron Gallium (FeGa) coupled to a piezoelectric material of lead zirconate …
An adjustable pre-stress based sensitivity enhancement scheme for cantilever-based resonant sensors
Z Zhao, DF Wang, X Lou, T Ono, T Itoh - Mechanical Systems and Signal …, 2021 - Elsevier
A new sensitivity enhancement scheme, mainly comprised of a harmonic oscillator and a set
of magnetic material, is proposed for desirable applications in cantilever-based resonant …
of magnetic material, is proposed for desirable applications in cantilever-based resonant …
A micro-electro-mechanical accelerometer based on gallium nitride on silicon
C Morelle, D Théron, I Roch-Jeune, P Tilmant… - Applied Physics …, 2023 -
We report on an accelerometer micro-sensor based on epitaxial gallium nitride and silicon.
The device is a vibrating beam accelerometer fabricated with a micro-electro-mechanical …
The device is a vibrating beam accelerometer fabricated with a micro-electro-mechanical …
Thermal Response and TC f of GaN/AlN Heterostructure Multimode Micro String Resonators From −10 °C Up to 325 °C
We report on the first experimental characterization and analysis of the thermal response
and temperature coefficient of resonance frequency (TC f) of gallium nitride/aluminum nitride …
and temperature coefficient of resonance frequency (TC f) of gallium nitride/aluminum nitride …
Membrane thickness dependence of the suspended mini-LED on visible light communication
Z Shi, T **e, T Chang, M **e, T Yu, Z Li, Y Jiang… - Optics …, 2024 -
This study proposes a suspended thin-film blue light emitting diode (LED) device using
backside processing to enhance the performance and light extraction efficiency (LEE) of …
backside processing to enhance the performance and light extraction efficiency (LEE) of …
[HTML][HTML] Modeling and Parameter Sensitivity Improvement in ΔE-Effect Magnetic Sensor Based on Mode Localization Effect
H Lyu, Z Wang, W Yang, X **ong, Z Liu, X Zou - Micromachines, 2022 -
A mode-localized ΔE-effect magnetic sensor model is established theoretically and
numerically. Based on the designed weakly coupled resonators with multi-layer film …
numerically. Based on the designed weakly coupled resonators with multi-layer film …
Impact of X-ray radiation on GaN/AlN MEMS structure and GaN HEMT gauge factor response
We present electrical measurements of gallium nitride/Aluminum nitride (GaN/AlN)
microelectromechanical system (MEMS) beams under the combined influence of strain and …
microelectromechanical system (MEMS) beams under the combined influence of strain and …
Temperature dependence of multimode gallium nitride/aluminum nitride (GaN/AlN) heterostructure string resonator
We report on the first experimental characterization and analysis of the temperature
coefficient of resonance frequency (TCf) of gallium nitride/aluminum nitride (GaN/AlN) …
coefficient of resonance frequency (TCf) of gallium nitride/aluminum nitride (GaN/AlN) …
Fabrication and dc-bias manipulation frequency characteristics of aln-based piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducer
T Li, L Zhang, W Geng, J He, Y Rao, J Huo, K Yan… - Micromachines, 2023 -
Due to their excellent capabilities to generate and sense ultrasound signals in an efficient
and well-controlled way at the microscale, piezoelectric micromechanical ultrasonic …
and well-controlled way at the microscale, piezoelectric micromechanical ultrasonic …
Modélisation des phénomènes non-linéaires dans un capteur MEMS résonant pour l'optimisation de ses performances et de sa fiabilité
A Brenes - 2016 -
L'utilisation des technologies MEMS dans la navigation aéronautique présente deux
difficultés majeures. D'une part, le bon fonctionnement des appareils de mesure de l'aviation …
difficultés majeures. D'une part, le bon fonctionnement des appareils de mesure de l'aviation …