[PDF][PDF] Motor learning
Motor learning encompasses a wide range of phenomena, ranging from relatively low-level
mechanisms for maintaining calibration of our movements, to making high-level cognitive …
mechanisms for maintaining calibration of our movements, to making high-level cognitive …
Psychology of habit
As the proverbial creatures of habit, people tend to repeat the same behaviors in recurring
contexts. This review characterizes habits in terms of their cognitive, motivational, and …
contexts. This review characterizes habits in terms of their cognitive, motivational, and …
The basal ganglia control the detailed kinematics of learned motor skills
The basal ganglia are known to influence action selection and modulation of movement
vigor, but whether and how they contribute to specifying the kinematics of learned motor …
vigor, but whether and how they contribute to specifying the kinematics of learned motor …
The striatum: where skills and habits meet
After more than a century of work concentrating on the motor functions of the basal ganglia,
new ideas have emerged, suggesting that the basal ganglia also have major functions in …
new ideas have emerged, suggesting that the basal ganglia also have major functions in …
[KNYGA][B] The power of habit: Why we do what we do in life and business
C Duhigg - 2012 - books.google.com
classic explores how we can change our lives by changing our habits.“Few [books] become …
classic explores how we can change our lives by changing our habits.“Few [books] become …
Opponent and bidirectional control of movement velocity in the basal ganglia
For goal-directed behaviour it is critical that we can both select the appropriate action and
learn to modify the underlying movements (for example, the pitch of a note or velocity of a …
learn to modify the underlying movements (for example, the pitch of a note or velocity of a …
The basal ganglia: from motor commands to the control of vigor
Highlights•Vertebrates are remarkable for their ability to select and execute motor
skill.•Motor skill is defined by flexibility of execution while obtaining reliable outcomes.•Basal …
skill.•Motor skill is defined by flexibility of execution while obtaining reliable outcomes.•Basal …
Dopamine is required for the neural representation and control of movement vigor
Progressive depletion of midbrain dopamine neurons (PDD) is associated with deficits in the
initiation, speed, and fluidity of voluntary movement. Models of basal ganglia function focus …
initiation, speed, and fluidity of voluntary movement. Models of basal ganglia function focus …
Distinct roles for motor cortical and thalamic inputs to striatum during motor skill learning and execution
The acquisition and execution of motor skills are mediated by a distributed motor network,
spanning cortical and subcortical brain areas. The sensorimotor striatum is an important cog …
spanning cortical and subcortical brain areas. The sensorimotor striatum is an important cog …
Transient stimulation of distinct subpopulations of striatal neurons mimics changes in action value
In changing environments, animals must adaptively select actions to achieve their goals. In
tasks involving goal-directed action selection, striatal neural activity has been shown to …
tasks involving goal-directed action selection, striatal neural activity has been shown to …