Improvement of heavy metal removal from urban runoff using modified pervious concrete
Heavy metals are one of the major chemical pollutant groups in urban runoff. The
application of porous concrete is a potential alternative to conventional runoff management …
application of porous concrete is a potential alternative to conventional runoff management …
An overview on metal pollution on touristic sandy beaches: Is the COVID-19 pandemic an opportunity to improve coastal management?
The worldwide spread of the SARS-CoV-2 caused an unprecedented lockdown measures in
most countries with consequences on the world society, economy, and sanitary systems …
most countries with consequences on the world society, economy, and sanitary systems …
Heavy metal fractions and ecological risk assessment in sediments from urban, rural and reclamation-affected rivers of the Pearl River Estuary, China
Rapid urbanization and reclamation processes in coastal areas have resulted in serious
pollution to the aquatic environment. Less is known on the geochemical fractions and …
pollution to the aquatic environment. Less is known on the geochemical fractions and …
How natural and anthropogenic factors should drive microplastic behavior and fate: The scenario of Brazilian urban freshwater
Brazil maintains its position at the top of the global ranking of plastic producers, yet recycling
efforts have been incipient. Recent data reveals an annual production of approximately 14 …
efforts have been incipient. Recent data reveals an annual production of approximately 14 …
Speciation distribution of heavy metals in uranium mining impacted soils and impact on bacterial community revealed by high-throughput sequencing
This study investigated the influence of heavy metals on bacterial community structure in a
uranium mine. Soils from three differently polluted ditches (Yangchang ditch, Zhongchang …
uranium mine. Soils from three differently polluted ditches (Yangchang ditch, Zhongchang …
Inferring the ecological quality status based on living benthic foraminiferal indices in transitional areas of the Guanabara Bay (SE Brazil)
Using benthic foraminifera, we evaluate the ecological quality status (EcoQS) of transitional
waters of the Guanabara Bay (SE Brazil) by applying the diversity-based index exp (H′ bc) …
waters of the Guanabara Bay (SE Brazil) by applying the diversity-based index exp (H′ bc) …
[HTML][HTML] Spatial analysis of heavy metal pollution in road-deposited sediments based on the traffic intensity of a megacity
Population growth has led to the intensification of average daily traffic (ADT), highlighting
vehicles as one of the major sources of heavy metal (HM) pollution in cities. The objective of …
vehicles as one of the major sources of heavy metal (HM) pollution in cities. The objective of …
[HTML][HTML] Occurrence of microplastics derived from tyres in bottom sediments of Guanabara Bay, Brazil: a form of pollution that is neglected or difficult to detect?
This study aimed to detect and characterize tyre wear particles (TWPs) in sediment samples
from Guanabara Bay, an area where microplastics (MPs) have been extensively studied, but …
from Guanabara Bay, an area where microplastics (MPs) have been extensively studied, but …
Concentration and toxicity assessment of contaminants in sediments of the Itaipu–Piratininga lagoonal system, Southeastern Brazil
Abstract The Itaipu–Piratiningalagoon system, which is located in Niterói City, Southeastern
Brazil, has suffered significant environmental pressures due to its growing urbanization …
Brazil, has suffered significant environmental pressures due to its growing urbanization …
[HTML][HTML] Exposure to complex mixtures of urban sediments containing Tyre and Road Wear Particles (TRWPs) increases the germ-line mutation rate in Chironomus …
Tyre and road wear particles (TRWPs) are a significant yet often underestimated source of
environmental pollution, contributing to the accumulation of microplastics and a complex …
environmental pollution, contributing to the accumulation of microplastics and a complex …