A spin-wave logic gate based on a width-modulated dynamic magnonic crystal

AA Nikitin, AB Ustinov, AA Semenov… - Applied Physics …, 2015 - pubs.aip.org
An electric current controlled spin-wave logic gate based on a width-modulated dynamic
magnonic crystal is realized. The device utilizes a spin-wave waveguide fabricated from a …

All-dielectric nanophotonics enables tunable excitation of the exchange spin waves

AI Chernov, MA Kozhaev, DO Ignatyeva, EN Beginin… - Nano …, 2020 - ACS Publications
Launching and controlling magnons with laser pulses opens up new routes for applications
including optomagnetic switching and all-optical spin wave emission and enables new …

Voltage controlled on-demand magnonic nanochannels

S Choudhury, AK Chaurasiya, AK Mondal, B Rana… - Science …, 2020 - science.org
Development of energy-efficient on-demand magnonic nanochannels (MNCs) can
revolutionize on-chip data communication and processing. We have developed a dynamic …

Reflection-less width-modulated magnonic crystal

P Frey, AA Nikitin, DA Bozhko, SA Bunyaev… - Communications …, 2020 - nature.com
The interest in artificial magnetic media such as magnonic crystals increased substantially in
recent years due to their potential applications in information processing at microwave …

Cavity-mediated coupling of phonons and magnons

YP Gao, C Cao, TJ Wang, Y Zhang, C Wang - Physical Review A, 2017 - APS
Optomagnonics and optomechanics have various applications, ranging from tunable light
sources to optical manipulation for quantum information science. We propose a hybrid …

Strain-induced multi-band spin-wave logic gate based on alligator-type magnonic crystal/PZT structure

AA Grachev, SE Sheshukova… - Applied Physics Letters, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
Here, we report the results of strain-controlled spin-wave propagation regimes in a double-
period multiferroic structure. It consists of an alligator-type magnonic crystal with a period of …

Photonic crystals with plasmonic patterns: novel type of the heterostructures for enhanced magneto-optical activity

NE Khokhlov, AR Prokopov… - Journal of Physics D …, 2015 - iopscience.iop.org
A multilayer structure consisting of a magnetophotonic crystal with a rare-earth iron garnet
microresonator layer and plasmonic grating deposited on it was fabricated and studied in …

Spherical optomagnonic microresonators: triple-resonant photon transitions between Zeeman-split Mie modes

E Almpanis, GP Zouros, PA Pantazopoulos… - Physical Review B, 2020 - APS
We report a thorough theoretical investigation of magnon-assisted photon transitions in
magnetic garnet micron-sized spheres, which operate as optomagnonic resonators. In this …

Deterministic aperiodic photonic crystal with a 2D array of metallic nanoparticles as polarization-sensitive dichroic filter

IA Glukhov, YS Dadoenkova, FFL Bentivegna… - Journal of Applied …, 2020 - pubs.aip.org
We demonstrate the possibility of using a two-dimensional array of spheroidal metallic
nanoparticles embedded in a one-dimensional photonic crystal to obtain a narrow …

Photomagnonic nanocavities for strong light–spin-wave interaction

PA Pantazopoulos, N Stefanou, E Almpanis… - Physical Review B, 2017 - APS
The interaction of visible and near-infrared light with spin waves in appropriately designed
dual nanocavities, for both photons and magnons, is investigated by means of rigorous …