Cadmium zinc telluride and its use as a nuclear radiation detector material
We present a comprehensive review of the material properties of cadmium zinc telluride
(CZT, Cd1− xZnxTe) with zinc content x= 0.1–0.2. Particular emphasis is placed on those …
(CZT, Cd1− xZnxTe) with zinc content x= 0.1–0.2. Particular emphasis is placed on those …
Compound semiconductor alloys: From atomic-scale structure to bandgap bowing
CS Schnohr - Applied physics reviews, 2015 - pubs.aip.org
Compound semiconductor alloys such as In x Ga 1− x As, GaAs x P 1− x, or CuIn x Ga 1− x
Se 2 are increasingly employed in numerous electronic, optoelectronic, and photonic …
Se 2 are increasingly employed in numerous electronic, optoelectronic, and photonic …
Strong phase separation of strained InGaN layers due to spinodal and binodal decomposition: Formation of stable quantum dots
C Tessarek, S Figge, T Aschenbrenner, S Bley… - Physical Review B …, 2011 - APS
InGaN quantum dots were grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy using a phase-
separation process based on spinodal and binodal decomposition. Uncapped structures …
separation process based on spinodal and binodal decomposition. Uncapped structures …
Solution hardening and dislocation density reduction in CdTe crystals by Zn addition
K Guergouri, R Triboulet, A Tromson-Carli… - Journal of Crystal …, 1988 - Elsevier
Solution hardening due to the incorporation of Zn in CdTe is studied theoretically by means
of a model which starts from the differences between the Cd-Te and Zn-Te bond lengths …
of a model which starts from the differences between the Cd-Te and Zn-Te bond lengths …
Cation-site intrinsic defects in Zn-doped CdTe
The properties of the cation vacancy and the Te antisite, two dominant defects in CdTe and
Cd 1− x Zn x Te alloys grown in Te-rich conditions, are examined using first-principles …
Cd 1− x Zn x Te alloys grown in Te-rich conditions, are examined using first-principles …
Reconciling the Pauling bond length picture and Vegard's law in a mixed crystal: An x-ray fluorescence holographic study
S Hosokawa, N Happo, K Hayashi - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter …, 2009 - APS
In order to bridge experimental results for the atomic structure in mixed crystals between x-
ray diffraction showing a Vegard's law and x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy …
ray diffraction showing a Vegard's law and x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy …
Extent and feature of lattice distortions around Ga impurity atoms in InSb single crystal
S Hosokawa, N Happo, T Ozaki, H Ikemoto… - Physical Review B …, 2013 - APS
To clarify lattice distortions induced by adding Ga atoms in the InSb crystal, Ga K α x-ray
fluorescence holography (XFH) experiments were carried out on an In 0.995 Ga 0.005 Sb …
fluorescence holography (XFH) experiments were carried out on an In 0.995 Ga 0.005 Sb …
Studies on some structural and optical properties of ZnxCd1− xTe thin films
AH Ammar - Applied surface science, 2002 - Elsevier
Five ZnxCd1− xTe solid solutions with x= 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 at.% were synthesized by
fusing stoichiometric amounts of Zn, Cd and Te constituents in silica tubes. Each …
fusing stoichiometric amounts of Zn, Cd and Te constituents in silica tubes. Each …
Thermodynamic analysis of Zn-Cd-Te, Zn-Hg-Te and Cd-Hg-Te: phase separation in ZnxCd1− xTe and ZnxHg1− xTe
A Marbeuf, R Druilhe, R Triboulet, G Patriarche - Journal of crystal growth, 1992 - Elsevier
The thermodynamic coherent analysis of all data in Zn-Cd-Te, Zn-Hg-Te and Ce-Hg-Te
ternaries, combined with that in the corresponding binaries, is understood by using a …
ternaries, combined with that in the corresponding binaries, is understood by using a …
Bimodal Bond-Length Distributions in Cobalt-Doped CdSe, ZnSe, and Cd1-xZnxSe Quantum Dots
SA Santangelo, EA Hinds, VA Vlaskin… - Journal of the …, 2007 - ACS Publications
Electronic absorption spectroscopy has been used to study changes in Co2+ ligand-field
parameters as a function of alloy composition in Co2+-doped Cd1-x Zn x Se nanocrystals. A …
parameters as a function of alloy composition in Co2+-doped Cd1-x Zn x Se nanocrystals. A …