Engineering topology in graphene with chiral cavities

CB Dag, V Rokaj - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
Strongly coupling materials to cavity fields can affect their electronic properties altering the
phases of matter. We study monolayer graphene whose electrons are coupled to both left …

Topological protection of Majorana polaritons in a cavity

Z Bacciconi, GM Andolina, C Mora - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
Cavity embedding is an emerging paradigm for the control of quantum matter, offering
avenues to manipulate electronic states and potentially drive topological phase transitions …

Testing the renormalization of the von Klitzing constant by cavity vacuum fields

J Enkner, L Graziotto, F Appugliese, V Rokaj, J Wang… - Physical Review X, 2024 - APS
The value of fundamental physical constants is affected by the coupling of matter to the
electromagnetic vacuum state, as predicted and explained by quantum electrodynamics. In …

Electron conductance and many-body marker of a cavity-embedded topological one-dimensional chain

DP Nguyen, G Arwas, C Ciuti - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
We investigate many-body topological and transport properties of a one-dimensional Su–
Schrieffer–Heeger (SSH) topological chain coupled to the quantum field of a cavity mode …

Nonperturbative mass renormalization effects in nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics

DM Welakuh, V Rokaj, M Ruggenthaler, A Rubio - Physical Review Research, 2025 - APS
In this work we investigate the effects that multimode photonic environments, eg, optical
cavities, have on the properties of quantum matter. We highlight the importance of the …