Engineering topology in graphene with chiral cavities
Strongly coupling materials to cavity fields can affect their electronic properties altering the
phases of matter. We study monolayer graphene whose electrons are coupled to both left …
phases of matter. We study monolayer graphene whose electrons are coupled to both left …
Topological protection of Majorana polaritons in a cavity
Cavity embedding is an emerging paradigm for the control of quantum matter, offering
avenues to manipulate electronic states and potentially drive topological phase transitions …
avenues to manipulate electronic states and potentially drive topological phase transitions …
Testing the renormalization of the von Klitzing constant by cavity vacuum fields
The value of fundamental physical constants is affected by the coupling of matter to the
electromagnetic vacuum state, as predicted and explained by quantum electrodynamics. In …
electromagnetic vacuum state, as predicted and explained by quantum electrodynamics. In …
Electron conductance and many-body marker of a cavity-embedded topological one-dimensional chain
We investigate many-body topological and transport properties of a one-dimensional Su–
Schrieffer–Heeger (SSH) topological chain coupled to the quantum field of a cavity mode …
Schrieffer–Heeger (SSH) topological chain coupled to the quantum field of a cavity mode …
Nonperturbative mass renormalization effects in nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics
In this work we investigate the effects that multimode photonic environments, eg, optical
cavities, have on the properties of quantum matter. We highlight the importance of the …
cavities, have on the properties of quantum matter. We highlight the importance of the …
Cavity QED materials: Comparison and validation of two linear response theories at arbitrary light-matter coupling strengths
J Román-Roche, Á Gómez-León, F Luis… - ar** in multi-
terminal quantum Hall bars, quantum point contacts, and Aharonov-Bohm interferometers …
terminal quantum Hall bars, quantum point contacts, and Aharonov-Bohm interferometers …