Automatic recommendation system based on hybrid filtering algorithm
Web recommendation systems are ubiquitous in the world used to overcome the product
overload on e-commerce websites. Among various filtering algorithms, Collaborative …
overload on e-commerce websites. Among various filtering algorithms, Collaborative …
Improving large area population map** using geotweet densities
Many different methods are used to disaggregate census data and predict population
densities to construct finer scale, gridded population data sets. These methods often involve …
densities to construct finer scale, gridded population data sets. These methods often involve …
Semantic trajectory insights for worker safety in dynamic environments
Existing studies reveal that unsafe worker movement behaviors are one of the major
reasons of construction site fatalities resulting in serious collisions with site objects and …
reasons of construction site fatalities resulting in serious collisions with site objects and …
Visualizing intrusions in dynamic building environments for worker safety
A review of the existing literature suggests that intrusions on sites are often overlooked as
current construction safety assessment methods are primarily focused on visible …
current construction safety assessment methods are primarily focused on visible …
Semantic enrichment of spatio-temporal trajectories for worker safety on construction sites
Thousands of fatalities are reported from the construction industry every year and a high
percentage of them are due to the unsafe worker movements which resulted in falling from …
percentage of them are due to the unsafe worker movements which resulted in falling from …
Semantic enrichment of spatio-temporal trajectories for worker safety on construction sites
Existing literature reveals that major reasons of fatalities on construction sites are linked to
mobility related issues such as unsafe human behaviors, difficult site conditions and workers …
mobility related issues such as unsafe human behaviors, difficult site conditions and workers …
Understanding worker mobility within the stay locations using HMMs on semantic trajectories
Construction is one of the most hazardous industries because it involves dynamic
interactions between workers and machinery on sites. The recent technological …
interactions between workers and machinery on sites. The recent technological …
An automatic annotation method for discovering semantic information of geographical locations from location-based social networks
Location-Based Social Networks (LBSNs) contain rich information that can be used to
identify and annotate points of interest (POIs). Discovering these POIs and annotating them …
identify and annotate points of interest (POIs). Discovering these POIs and annotating them …
Semantic enrichment of spatio-temporal production data to determine lead times for manufacturing simulation
C Mieth - 2019 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2019 -
Data from real-time indoor localization systems (RTILS) based on ultra-wideband (UWB)
technology provide spatio-temporal information on the material flows of production orders on …
technology provide spatio-temporal information on the material flows of production orders on …
Demand Model Generation from Traces: Adaptive KDE Data-Driven Optimization
Nowadays IoT and big data technologies make it easy to collect a huge amount of precise
data about geospatial mobility. This abundant data improves mobility systems' study and …
data about geospatial mobility. This abundant data improves mobility systems' study and …