[HTML][HTML] Exploring the intersection between software industry and Software Engineering education-A systematic map** of Software Engineering Trends
Context: Software has become ubiquitous in every corner of modern societies. During the
last five decades, software engineering has also changed significantly to advance the …
last five decades, software engineering has also changed significantly to advance the …
[CARTE][B] Strategi Pembelajaran dari Teori ke Praktik Pendekatan Pembelajaran Kolaboratif di Perguruan Tinggi
D Mariyono - 2024 - books.google.com
Pendekatan pembelajaran kolaboratif bukanlah konsep baru, tetapi dalam dekade terakhir,
ia< wbr> telah mengalami transformasi< wbr> signifikan berkat kemajuan teknologi dan …
ia< wbr> telah mengalami transformasi< wbr> signifikan berkat kemajuan teknologi dan …
Assessing individual contributions to software engineering projects with git logs and user stories
K Buffardi - Proceedings of the 51st ACM technical symposium on …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
Software Engineering courses often incorporate large-scale projects with collaboration
between students working in teams. However, it is difficult to objectively assess individual …
between students working in teams. However, it is difficult to objectively assess individual …
In what ways do AI techniques propel decision-making amidst volatility? Annotated bibliography perspectives
BN Zambrano Manzur, FA Espinoza Bazán… - Journal of Innovation …, 2024 - Springer
This research presents a systematic review and approximation, from 2018 to 2023, of how
Artificial Intelligence can support decision-making processes when business managers …
Artificial Intelligence can support decision-making processes when business managers …
Industry trends in software engineering education: a systematic map** study
Contemporary approaches and trends, in software engineering courses have been
continuously updated over the last four decades. Adaptation to industry needs is crucial for …
continuously updated over the last four decades. Adaptation to industry needs is crucial for …
Practical knowledge in preparing financial statements and ICT-enabled financial plans: An empirical study among entrepreneurial students in Oman
MM Thottoli - International Entrepreneurship Review, 2021 - ier.uek.krakow.pl
Objective: This paper aims to examine practical knowledge in preparing financial statements
(FStts), practical knowledge in information and communication technology (ICT) and ICT …
(FStts), practical knowledge in information and communication technology (ICT) and ICT …
Bridging the gap: A model for interdisciplinary collaboration between entrepreneurship and software engineering students
By framing entrepreneurship courses in the context of interdisciplinary team projects,
students build important work-related skills whether they pursue an entrepreneurial path or …
students build important work-related skills whether they pursue an entrepreneurial path or …
The impact of it bootcamp on student learning-experience from ict enabled experiential-based course
O Cico - … Business: 10th International Conference, ICSOB 2019 …, 2019 - Springer
We have been teaching an experiential-based course for fist year master students. In the last
two years, we have added to the course external activities such as Hackathon and …
two years, we have added to the course external activities such as Hackathon and …
Towards transferring lean software startup practices in software engineering education
O Cico - Proceedings of the 28th ACM Joint Meeting on …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
In the modern economy, software drives innovation and economic growth. Studies show
how software increasingly influences all industry sectors. During the last five decades …
how software increasingly influences all industry sectors. During the last five decades …
[HTML][HTML] Expanding and evolving an innovation concentration
A recent report published by the---Foundation documented the importance of innovation to
the US economy and the critical relationship between innovation, university research and …
the US economy and the critical relationship between innovation, university research and …