A Reissner–Mindlin plate formulation using symmetric Hu-Zhang elements via polytopal transformations
In this work we develop new finite element discretisations of the shear-deformable Reissner–
Mindlin plate problem based on the Hellinger–Reissner principle of symmetric stresses …
Mindlin plate problem based on the Hellinger–Reissner principle of symmetric stresses …
Physics-informed machine learning and uncertainty quantification for mechanics of heterogeneous materials
A model based on the Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINN) for solving elastic
deformation of heterogeneous solids and associated Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) is …
deformation of heterogeneous solids and associated Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) is …
[HTML][HTML] A numerical framework coupling finite element and meshless methods in sequential and parallel simulations
Abstract The Finite Element Method (FEM) suffers from important drawbacks in problems
involving excessive deformation of elements despite being universally applied to a wide …
involving excessive deformation of elements despite being universally applied to a wide …
Two and three dimensional H2-conforming finite element approximations without C1-elements
We develop a method to compute H 2-conforming finite element approximations in both two
and three space dimensions using readily available finite element spaces. This is …
and three space dimensions using readily available finite element spaces. This is …
Transformations for Piola-mapped elements
The Arnold–Winther element successfully discretizes the Hellinger–Reissner variational
formulation of linear elasticity; its development was one of the key early breakthroughs of the …
formulation of linear elasticity; its development was one of the key early breakthroughs of the …
[HTML][HTML] Planar curve registration using Bayesian inversion
We study parameterisation-independent closed planar curve matching as a Bayesian
inverse problem. The motion of the curve is modelled via a curve on the diffeomorphism …
inverse problem. The motion of the curve is modelled via a curve on the diffeomorphism …
Stable -conforming finite element methods for the Landau--Lifshitz--Baryakhtar equation
The Landau--Lifshitz--Baryakhtar equation describes the evolution of magnetic spin field in
magnetic materials at elevated temperature below the Curie temperature, when long-range …
magnetic materials at elevated temperature below the Curie temperature, when long-range …
Local parameter selection in the C0 interior penalty method for the biharmonic equation
The symmetric C0 interior penalty method is one of the most popular discontinuous Galerkin
methods for the biharmonic equation. This paper introduces an automatic local selection of …
methods for the biharmonic equation. This paper introduces an automatic local selection of …
Computing -Conforming Finite Element Approximations Without Having to Implement -Elements
We develop a method to compute the-conforming finite element approximation to planar
fourth order elliptic problems without having to implement elements. The algorithm consists …
fourth order elliptic problems without having to implement elements. The algorithm consists …
FIAT: improving performance and accuracy for high-order finite elements
FIAT (the FInite element Automatic Tabulator) provides a powerful Python library for the
generation and evaluation of finite element basis functions on a reference element. This …
generation and evaluation of finite element basis functions on a reference element. This …