[HTML][HTML] A thorough classification and discussion of approaches for modeling and managing domino effects in the process industries
Recent catastrophic accidents in China and the USA urge and justify a thorough study on
current & future research trends in the development of modeling methods and protection …
current & future research trends in the development of modeling methods and protection …
Domino effects in chemical factories and clusters: An historical perspective and discussion
P Swuste, K van Nunen, G Reniers… - Process Safety and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Major accidents in Western countries, receiving a lot of media attention in the 1970s, are
starting point for research into internal and external domino effects in the chemical and …
starting point for research into internal and external domino effects in the chemical and …
Assessing the consequences of pipeline accidents to support land-use planning
With the rapid development of industry, the number of pipelines that are proposed or under
construction is increasing year by year, connecting different regions of a country and, more …
construction is increasing year by year, connecting different regions of a country and, more …
Risk assessment system for oil and gas pipelines laid in one ditch based on quantitative risk analysis
In view of the vegetation reduction caused by the continuous construction of oil and gas
pipelines, the pipelines have been designed to be laid in one ditch to reduce land …
pipelines, the pipelines have been designed to be laid in one ditch to reduce land …
A hybrid machine learning model for predicting crater width formed by explosions of natural gas pipelines
G Qin, A **ing round jet fire in an inclined tunnel
XX Kong, XS Wang, HY Cong, YP Liu, JP Zhu - International Journal of …, 2019 - Elsevier
Ceiling jet fire may popularly occur due to gas fuel leakage caused by corrosion of the
pipeline in underground galleries or other accidental factors, and usually inflict major heat …
pipeline in underground galleries or other accidental factors, and usually inflict major heat …