[HTML][HTML] Digital transformation readiness: perspectives on academia and library outcomes in information literacy
This study examines the readiness of a faculty for the social challenges caused by the digital
transformation in academia with the use of covariance-based structural equation modeling …
transformation in academia with the use of covariance-based structural equation modeling …
Business intelligence competence, agile capabilities, and agile performance in supply chain: An empirical study
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to study the role of business intelligence (BI) in
achieving agility in supply chain context by examining the relationship between BI …
achieving agility in supply chain context by examining the relationship between BI …
The individual and social dynamics of knowledge sharing: an exploratory study
Purpose–This paper aims to examine how knowledge sharing behavior is influenced by
three sets of dynamics: a rational calculus that weighs the costs and benefits of sharing; a …
three sets of dynamics: a rational calculus that weighs the costs and benefits of sharing; a …
How information-sharing values influence the use of information systems: An investigation in the business intelligence systems context
Although the constituents of information systems (IS) success and their relationships have
been well documented in the business value of information technology (IT) and strategic IS …
been well documented in the business value of information technology (IT) and strategic IS …
Platform-based customer agility: An integrated framework of information management structure, capability, and culture
Platform-based customer agility is the ability to leverage the voice of the customer on a
platform to achieve market intelligence and to explore competitive action opportunities. Prior …
platform to achieve market intelligence and to explore competitive action opportunities. Prior …
Develo** a model for knowledge sharing in research centers
Purpose–Knowledge sharing (KS) of employees has numerous benefits for organizations.
Therefore, the aim of this study is to provide a model for KS in research centers (RCs) that …
Therefore, the aim of this study is to provide a model for KS in research centers (RCs) that …
Information culture in a government organization: Examining records management training and self‐perceived competencies in compliance with a records …
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to use information culture assessment tools (from
work by Curry and Moore) to examine the information culture within a regulated, government …
work by Curry and Moore) to examine the information culture within a regulated, government …
The influence of organizational culture on information governance effectiveness
A Daneshmandnia - Records Management Journal, 2019 - emerald.com
Purpose This paper aims to explore the impact of organizational culture on information
governance (IG) effectiveness at higher education institutions (HEIs). IT professionals, such …
governance (IG) effectiveness at higher education institutions (HEIs). IT professionals, such …
Information culture and records management: a suitable match? Conceptualizations of information culture and their application on records management
A Sundqvist, P Svärd - International Journal of Information Management, 2016 - Elsevier
Good information and records management is assumed to promote organizational
efficiency. Despite established management regimes and available technology, many …
efficiency. Despite established management regimes and available technology, many …
Information cultures and strategies for co** with information overload: Case of Estonian higher education institutions
Purpose This paper focuses on the links between information culture and the perception of
the information overload on the example of higher education institutions in Estonia. The aim …
the information overload on the example of higher education institutions in Estonia. The aim …