Crossing the qualitative-quantitative chasm I: Hybrid geographies, the spatial turn, and volunteered geographic information (VGI)
D Sui, D DeLyser - Progress in human geography, 2012 - journals.sagepub.com
This report, the first of three, reviews methods and methodological approaches, qualitative
and quantitative. In an effort to look beyond the qualitative-quantitative divide, two …
and quantitative. In an effort to look beyond the qualitative-quantitative divide, two …
Feminist digital geographies
At a moment when disciplinary attentions are turning to the digital as a subject and object of
geographic inquiry, we consider enduring contours and new directions in feminist digital …
geographic inquiry, we consider enduring contours and new directions in feminist digital …
Research perspectives: From other worlds: Speculative engagement through digital geographies
D Hovorka, S Peter - Journal of the Association for Information …, 2021 - aisel.aisnet.org
Our ability to predict, explain, or control sociotechnical realities is being increasingly called
into question by unprecedented phenomena in surveillance, in markets, and in other social …
into question by unprecedented phenomena in surveillance, in markets, and in other social …
[BOK][B] For creative geographies: Geography, visual arts and the making of worlds
H Hawkins - 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
This book provides the first sustained critical exploration, and celebration, of the relationship
between Geography and the contemporary Visual Arts. With the growth of research in the …
between Geography and the contemporary Visual Arts. With the growth of research in the …
Location-based services, conspicuous mobility, and the location-aware future
MW Wilson - Geoforum, 2012 - Elsevier
The production and consumption of geographic information is becoming a more mobile
practice, with more corporate actors challenging the traditional stronghold of Esri-and …
practice, with more corporate actors challenging the traditional stronghold of Esri-and …
The epistemology (s) of volunteered geographic information: a critique
RE Sieber, M Haklay - Geo: Geography and Environment, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Numerous exegeses have been written about the epistemologies of volunteered geographic
information (VGI). We contend that VGI is itself a socially constructed epistemology crafted in …
information (VGI). We contend that VGI is itself a socially constructed epistemology crafted in …
Intimate technologies: Towards a feminist perspective on geographies of technoscience
Technologies are at the heart of geographic analysis. More-than-human geographies, actor-
network theory, and new materialism have all called for attending to technological …
network theory, and new materialism have all called for attending to technological …
Evolving coagency between artists and AI in the spatial cocreative process of artmaking
This article applies theoretical and empirical discussions of emerging human and digital
technology relations to our interest in collaborative artist–artificial intelligence (AI) artmaking …
technology relations to our interest in collaborative artist–artificial intelligence (AI) artmaking …
DS Hovorka, S Peter - MIS quarterly, 2021 - search.ebscohost.com
The article offers four theses on the future of society and technology using the Mary Shelley
book" Frankenstein" as a framing device. The influence of digital technologies on culture …
book" Frankenstein" as a framing device. The influence of digital technologies on culture …
Virtual reality as a spatial prompt in geography learning and teaching
We examine the claim that virtual reality (VR) holds significant potential for pedagogical
applications in geography. We do so with reference to results from a two‐year research …
applications in geography. We do so with reference to results from a two‐year research …