Timing side-channel attacks and countermeasures in CPU microarchitectures
Microarchitectural vulnerabilities, such as Meltdown and Spectre, exploit subtle
microarchitecture state to steal the user's secret data and even compromise the operating …
microarchitecture state to steal the user's secret data and even compromise the operating …
A survey on various threats and current state of security in android platform
The advent of the Android system has brought smartphone technology to the doorsteps of
the masses. The latest technologies have made it affordable for every section of the society …
the masses. The latest technologies have made it affordable for every section of the society …
ZombieLoad: Cross-privilege-boundary data sampling
In early 2018, Meltdown first showed how to read arbitrary kernel memory from user space
by exploiting side-effects from transient instructions. While this attack has been mitigated …
by exploiting side-effects from transient instructions. While this attack has been mitigated …
Spectre returns! speculation attacks using the return stack buffer
The recent Spectre attacks exploit speculative execution, a pervasively used feature of
modern microprocessors, to allow the exfiltration of sensitive data across protection …
modern microprocessors, to allow the exfiltration of sensitive data across protection …
A survey of microarchitectural timing attacks and countermeasures on contemporary hardware
Microarchitectural timing channels expose hidden hardware states though timing. We survey
recent attacks that exploit microarchitectural features in shared hardware, especially as they …
recent attacks that exploit microarchitectural features in shared hardware, especially as they …
Drammer: Deterministic rowhammer attacks on mobile platforms
Recent work shows that the Rowhammer hardware bug can be used to craft powerful
attacks and completely subvert a system. However, existing efforts either describe …
attacks and completely subvert a system. However, existing efforts either describe …
Kaslr is dead: long live kaslr
Modern operating system kernels employ address space layout randomization (ASLR) to
prevent control-flow hijacking attacks and code-injection attacks. While kernel security relies …
prevent control-flow hijacking attacks and code-injection attacks. While kernel security relies …
Prefetch side-channel attacks: Bypassing SMAP and kernel ASLR
Modern operating systems use hardware support to protect against control-flow hijacking
attacks such as code-injection attacks. Typically, write access to executable pages is …
attacks such as code-injection attacks. Typically, write access to executable pages is …
Flip feng shui: Hammering a needle in the software stack
We introduce Flip Feng Shui (FFS), a new exploitation vector which allows an attacker to
induce bit flips over arbitrary physical memory in a fully controlled way. FFS relies on …
induce bit flips over arbitrary physical memory in a fully controlled way. FFS relies on …
The spy in the sandbox: Practical cache attacks in javascript and their implications
We present a micro-architectural side-channel attack that runs entirely in the browser. In
contrast to previous work in this genre, our attack does not require the attacker to install …
contrast to previous work in this genre, our attack does not require the attacker to install …