[PDF][PDF] Empirical review on the determinants influencing firm performance in develo** countries
It has been discovered that firm performance was influenced or affected by so many factors
or variables either positively or negatively. The objective of this paper is to review empirical …
or variables either positively or negatively. The objective of this paper is to review empirical …
[PDF][PDF] Impact of managerial skills on small scale businesses performance and growth in Nigeria
M Aliyu - European Journal of Business and Management, 2015 - academia.edu
Abstract The impact of Small Scale Businesses (SSBs) on economic growth and
development has attracted global attention of policy makers and academic researchers. In …
development has attracted global attention of policy makers and academic researchers. In …
Mitigating the challenges of small and medium enterprises in Nigeria
BI Gumel - SEISENSE Journal of Management, 2019 - journal.seisense.com
Purpose-The purpose of the paper is to provide owners and managers of small businesses
with necessary information about the challenges facing small businesses in Nigeria and …
with necessary information about the challenges facing small businesses in Nigeria and …
Entrepreneurship and SMEs performance: Studying the mediating role of innovation and the moderating role of firm size
P Ebrahimi, HRA Shirsavar, F Forootani… - … in emerging markets …, 2018 - Springer
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between entrepreneurship and SMEs
performance through innovation and firm size. In this regard the study questionnaire is …
performance through innovation and firm size. In this regard the study questionnaire is …
Client assessments of their audit experiences: the role of experience quality, similarity and client participation
J Sampet, N Sarapaivanich, E Ekasingh… - Asian Review of …, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose This study examines how three psychological factors (ie perceived experience
quality, perceived similarity and client participation) that impact client evaluations of their …
quality, perceived similarity and client participation) that impact client evaluations of their …
[PDF][PDF] The impact of entrepreneurial networks on the performance of small business in Nigeria
O Aladejebi - Archives of Business Research, 2020 - academia.edu
Networking is ultimately the process of exchanging information between two or more people;
in this case, entrepreneurs. The main objective of this paper is to look into the firm attributes …
in this case, entrepreneurs. The main objective of this paper is to look into the firm attributes …
Barriers to accessing financial institutions funding for Nigerian SMEs
Small businesses are recognized worldwide as a catalyst of socioeconomic development.
Like all developed and develo** countries, due to the economic importance of SMEs, the …
Like all developed and develo** countries, due to the economic importance of SMEs, the …
Factors required for small business sustainability in Nigeria
PE Buowari - 2015 - search.proquest.com
In Nigeria, many small businesses fail before their 5th anniversary. Small businesses make
up a major percentage of the businesses in Nigeria and provide jobs for 50% of the …
up a major percentage of the businesses in Nigeria and provide jobs for 50% of the …
The Impact of Strategic Planning on Growth of Small Businesses in Nigeria.
BI Gumel - SEISENSE Journal of Management, 2019 - hal.science
Purpose-There is a need to develop a framework that will improve the understandings of
business planning and performance and its effects on growth particularly during the stages …
business planning and performance and its effects on growth particularly during the stages …
[PDF][PDF] Effect of firm size on the relationship between strategic planning dimensions and performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya
M ALI - 2017 - repository.tukenya.ac.ke
Strategic planning has in recent years gained renewed interest as a means of monitoring a
rapidly changing environment, taking effective decisions and action in the running of …
rapidly changing environment, taking effective decisions and action in the running of …