Window size selection in unsupervised time series analytics: A review and benchmark
Time series (TS) are sequences of values ordered in time. Such TS have in common, that
important insights from the data can be drawn by inspecting local substructures, and not the …
important insights from the data can be drawn by inspecting local substructures, and not the …
Persistence-based motif discovery in time series
Motif Discovery consists of finding repeated patterns and locating their occurrences in a time
series without prior knowledge about their shape or location. Most state-of-the-art algorithms …
series without prior knowledge about their shape or location. Most state-of-the-art algorithms …
Unsupervised and scalable subsequence anomaly detection in large data series
Subsequence anomaly (or outlier) detection in long sequences is an important problem with
applications in a wide range of domains. However, the approaches that have been …
applications in a wide range of domains. However, the approaches that have been …
Matrix profile X: VALMOD-scalable discovery of variable-length motifs in data series
In the last fifteen years, data series motif discovery has emerged as one of the most useful
primitives for data series mining, with applications to many domains, including robotics …
primitives for data series mining, with applications to many domains, including robotics …
Matrix profile goes MAD: variable-length motif and discord discovery in data series
In the last 15 years, data series motif and discord discovery have emerged as two useful and
well-used primitives for data series mining, with applications to many domains, including …
well-used primitives for data series mining, with applications to many domains, including …
Graph-based stock recommendation by time-aware relational attention network
The stock market investors aim at maximizing their investment returns. Stock
recommendation task is to recommend stocks with higher return ratios for the investors. Most …
recommendation task is to recommend stocks with higher return ratios for the investors. Most …
Coconut: A scalable bottom-up approach for building data series indexes
Many modern applications produce massive amounts of data series that need to be
analyzed, requiring efficient similarity search operations. However, the state-of-the-art data …
analyzed, requiring efficient similarity search operations. However, the state-of-the-art data …
Grammarviz 3.0: Interactive discovery of variable-length time series patterns
The problems of recurrent and anomalous pattern discovery in time series, eg, motifs and
discords, respectively, have received a lot of attention from researchers in the past decade …
discords, respectively, have received a lot of attention from researchers in the past decade …
Motiflets--Simple and Accurate Detection of Motifs in Time Series
A time series motif intuitively is a short time series that repeats itself approximately the same
within a larger time series. Such motifs often represent concealed structures, such as heart …
within a larger time series. Such motifs often represent concealed structures, such as heart …
Fast data series indexing for in-memory data
Data series similarity search is a core operation for several data series analysis applications
across many different domains. However, the state-of-the-art techniques fail to deliver the …
across many different domains. However, the state-of-the-art techniques fail to deliver the …