[HTML][HTML] Applications of machine learning in animal behaviour studies
In many areas of animal behaviour research, improvements in our ability to collect large and
detailed data sets are outstrip** our ability to analyse them. These diverse, complex and …
detailed data sets are outstrip** our ability to analyse them. These diverse, complex and …
An integrative framework for the appraisal of coloration in nature
The world in color presents a dazzling dimension of phenotypic variation. Biological interest
in this variation has burgeoned, due to both increased means for quantifying spectral …
in this variation has burgeoned, due to both increased means for quantifying spectral …
pavo: an R package for the analysis, visualization and organization of spectral data
Recent technical and methodological advances have led to a dramatic increase in the use of
spectrometry to quantify reflectance properties of biological materials, as well as models to …
spectrometry to quantify reflectance properties of biological materials, as well as models to …
Quantitative Colour Pattern Analysis (QCPA): A comprehensive framework for the analysis of colour patterns in nature
To understand the function of colour signals in nature, we require robust quantitative
analytical frameworks to enable us to estimate how animal and plant colour patterns appear …
analytical frameworks to enable us to estimate how animal and plant colour patterns appear …
Perceptual biases and mate choice
Our view of the evolution of sexually selected traits and preferences was influenced radically
in the 1990s by studies that emphasized how signals interact with sensory properties of …
in the 1990s by studies that emphasized how signals interact with sensory properties of …
[КНИГА][B] The extended specimen: emerging frontiers in collections-based ornithological research
MS Webster - 2017 - books.google.com
The Extended Specimen highlights the research potential for ornithological specimens, and
is meant to encourage ornithologists poised to initiate a renaissance in collections-based …
is meant to encourage ornithologists poised to initiate a renaissance in collections-based …
Latitudinal gradients in avian colourfulness
It has long been suggested that tropical species are generally more colourful than temperate
species, but whether latitudinal gradients in organismal colourfulness exist remains …
species, but whether latitudinal gradients in organismal colourfulness exist remains …
Colour spaces in ecology and evolutionary biology
The recognition that animals sense the world in a different way than we do has unlocked
important lines of research in ecology and evolutionary biology. In practice, the subjective …
important lines of research in ecology and evolutionary biology. In practice, the subjective …
How colorful are birds? Evolution of the avian plumage color gamut
The avian plumage color gamut is the complete range of plumage colors, as seen by birds
themselves. We used a tetrahedral avian color stimulus space to estimate the avian …
themselves. We used a tetrahedral avian color stimulus space to estimate the avian …
Sexual selection predicts the rate and direction of colour divergence in a large avian radiation
CR Cooney, ZK Varley, LO Nouri, CJA Moody… - Nature …, 2019 - nature.com
Sexual selection is proposed to be a powerful driver of phenotypic evolution in animal
systems. At macroevolutionary scales, sexual selection can theoretically drive both the rate …
systems. At macroevolutionary scales, sexual selection can theoretically drive both the rate …