Heat treatment for metal additive manufacturing
Metal additive manufacturing (AM) refers to any process of making 3D metal parts layer-
upon-layer via the interaction between a heating source and feeding material from a digital …
upon-layer via the interaction between a heating source and feeding material from a digital …
[HTML][HTML] A comprehensive review on laser powder bed fusion of steels: Processing, microstructure, defects and control methods, mechanical properties, current …
Abstract Laser Powder Bed Fusion process is regarded as the most versatile metal additive
manufacturing process, which has been proven to manufacture near net shape up to 99.9 …
manufacturing process, which has been proven to manufacture near net shape up to 99.9 …
Heterostructured stainless steel: Properties, current trends, and future perspectives
The study of heterostructured materials (HSMs) answered one of the most pressing
questions in the metallurgical field:“is it possible to greatly increase both the strength and the …
questions in the metallurgical field:“is it possible to greatly increase both the strength and the …
About metastable cellular structure in additively manufactured austenitic stainless steels
The quick-emerging paradigm of additive manufacturing technology has revealed salient
advantages in enabling the tailored-design of structural components with more exceptional …
advantages in enabling the tailored-design of structural components with more exceptional …
Origin of dislocation structures in an additively manufactured austenitic stainless steel 316L
In this experiment, the origin of dislocation structures in AM stainless steels was
systematically investigated by controlling the effect of thermal stress through geometric …
systematically investigated by controlling the effect of thermal stress through geometric …
The effect of post-processing heat treatment on the microstructure, residual stress and mechanical properties of selective laser melted 316L stainless steel
Additively manufactured 316L austenitic stainless steel typically displays a hierarchical
microstructure consisting of fine columnar grains, cellular dislocation tangles and nano …
microstructure consisting of fine columnar grains, cellular dislocation tangles and nano …
Beautiful and functional: a review of biomimetic design in additive manufacturing
This review article summarizes the current state-of-the-art for biomimicry in additive
manufacturing. Biomimicry is the practice of learning from and emulating nature-which can …
manufacturing. Biomimicry is the practice of learning from and emulating nature-which can …
The origin of high-density dislocations in additively manufactured metals
The origin of dense dislocations in many additively manufactured metals remains a mystery.
We here employed pure Cu as a prototype and fabricated the very challenging high-purity (> …
We here employed pure Cu as a prototype and fabricated the very challenging high-purity (> …
[HTML][HTML] In-process and post-process strategies for part quality assessment in metal powder bed fusion: A review
An increasing number of metal components processed by additive manufacturing (AM) are
now being used in industrial applications. However, in the most demanding applications …
now being used in industrial applications. However, in the most demanding applications …
Comparison of the microstructure, mechanical properties and distortion of stainless steel 316 L fabricated by micro and conventional laser powder bed fusion
Micro laser powder bed fusion (μLPBF) technology offers great benefits to industries as it
enables fabrication of complicated metallic components with greater accuracy and minimum …
enables fabrication of complicated metallic components with greater accuracy and minimum …