Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging of brain anatomy and in vivo histology
Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (qMRI) goes beyond conventional MRI, which
aims primarily at local image contrast. It provides specific physical parameters related to the …
aims primarily at local image contrast. It provides specific physical parameters related to the …
[HTML][HTML] NODDI in clinical research
Diffusion MRI (dMRI) has proven to be a useful imaging approach for both clinical diagnosis
and research investigating the microstructures of nervous tissues, and it has helped us to …
and research investigating the microstructures of nervous tissues, and it has helped us to …
[HTML][HTML] SANDI: A compartment-based model for non-invasive apparent soma and neurite imaging by diffusion MRI
This work introduces a compartment-based model for apparent cell body (namely soma) and
neurite density imaging (SANDI) using non-invasive diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI). The …
neurite density imaging (SANDI) using non-invasive diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI). The …
[HTML][HTML] Connectome 2.0: Develo** the next-generation ultra-high gradient strength human MRI scanner for bridging studies of the micro-, meso-and macro …
The first phase of the Human Connectome Project pioneered advances in MRI technology
for map** the macroscopic structural connections of the living human brain through the …
for map** the macroscopic structural connections of the living human brain through the …
[HTML][HTML] Neurite Exchange Imaging (NEXI): A minimal model of diffusion in gray matter with inter-compartment water exchange
Biophysical models of diffusion in white matter have been center-stage over the past two
decades and are essentially based on what is now commonly referred to as the “Standard …
decades and are essentially based on what is now commonly referred to as the “Standard …
An open resource combining multi-contrast MRI and microscopy in the macaque brain
Understanding brain structure and function often requires combining data across different
modalities and scales to link microscale cellular structures to macroscale features of whole …
modalities and scales to link microscale cellular structures to macroscale features of whole …
[HTML][HTML] Challenges for biophysical modeling of microstructure
The biophysical modeling efforts in diffusion MRI have grown considerably over the past 25
years. In this review, we dwell on the various challenges along the journey of bringing a …
years. In this review, we dwell on the various challenges along the journey of bringing a …
[HTML][HTML] Diffusion time dependence, power-law scaling, and exchange in gray matter
Characterizing neural tissue microstructure is a critical goal for future neuroimaging.
Diffusion MRI (dMRI) provides contrasts that reflect diffusing spins' interactions with myriad …
Diffusion MRI (dMRI) provides contrasts that reflect diffusing spins' interactions with myriad …
[HTML][HTML] Post mortem map** of connectional anatomy for the validation of diffusion MRI
Diffusion MRI (dMRI) is a unique tool for the study of brain circuitry, as it allows us to image
both the macroscopic trajectories and the microstructural properties of axon bundles in vivo …
both the macroscopic trajectories and the microstructural properties of axon bundles in vivo …
MRI with ultrahigh field strength and high-performance gradients: challenges and opportunities for clinical neuroimaging at 7 T and beyond
B Vachha, SY Huang - European Radiology Experimental, 2021 - Springer
Research in ultrahigh magnetic field strength combined with ultrahigh and ultrafast gradient
technology has provided enormous gains in sensitivity, resolution, and contrast for …
technology has provided enormous gains in sensitivity, resolution, and contrast for …