Silicate weathering in anoxic marine sediment as a requirement for authigenic carbonate burial
We emphasize the importance of marine silicate weathering (MSiW) reactions in anoxic
sediment as fundamental in generating alkalinity and cations needed for carbonate …
sediment as fundamental in generating alkalinity and cations needed for carbonate …
Review of permeability analysis methods in gas hydrate-bearing natural sediments with high permeability characteristics
Natural gas hydrates have attracted global attention as a potential widespread energy
resource. The permeability of gas-hydrate-bearing natural sediments has been investigated …
resource. The permeability of gas-hydrate-bearing natural sediments has been investigated …
Increased interglacial atmospheric CO2 levels followed the mid-Pleistocene Transition
Atmospheric CO2 and polar ice volume have been strongly coupled over the past 805,000
years. However, the prior extent of coupling, during times of lower-amplitude ice-volume …
years. However, the prior extent of coupling, during times of lower-amplitude ice-volume …
Hydrate growth in quartzitic sands and implication of pore fractal characteristics to hydraulic, mechanical, and electrical properties of hydrate-bearing sediments
Gas hydrate pore habits significantly impact the pore-scale structure within hydrate-bearing
sediments, and thus, play a central role in the physical property evolution. Characterization …
sediments, and thus, play a central role in the physical property evolution. Characterization …
Clay mineral mediated dynamics of CO2 hydrate formation and dissociation: Experimental insights for carbon sequestration
Marine sediment-based CO 2 sequestration through hydrate formation is a promising
approach for long-term CO 2 storage. Despite the prevalence of clay minerals in marine …
approach for long-term CO 2 storage. Despite the prevalence of clay minerals in marine …
Persistent provenance of South Asian monsoon‐induced silicate weathering over the past 27 million years
The development of the South Asian monsoon (SAM) and Himalaya‐Tibetan Plateau uplift
were closely intertwined with some studies suggesting that uplift initiated the monsoon …
were closely intertwined with some studies suggesting that uplift initiated the monsoon …
South A sian monsoon history over the past 60 kyr recorded by radiogenic isotopes and clay mineral assemblages in the A ndaman S ea
Abstract The Late Quaternary variability of the South Asian (or Indian) monsoon has been
linked with glacial‐interglacial and millennial scale climatic changes but past rainfall …
linked with glacial‐interglacial and millennial scale climatic changes but past rainfall …
Sea level-controlled sediment transport to the eastern Arabian Sea over the past 600 kyr: Clay minerals and SrNd isotopic evidence from IODP Site U1457
Long marine sequences deposited in the Arabian Sea are suitable to study the orbital
sensitivity of sediment dynamics from a source-to-sink perspective. The clay mineralogy and …
sensitivity of sediment dynamics from a source-to-sink perspective. The clay mineralogy and …
Physical property characteristics of gas hydrate-bearing reservoir and associated seal sediments collected during NGHP-02 in the Krishna-Godavari Basin, in the …
Abstract India's National Gas Hydrate Program Expedition 02 (NGHP-02) was conducted to
better understand geologic controls on gas hydrate occurrence and morphology, targeting …
better understand geologic controls on gas hydrate occurrence and morphology, targeting …
Staged fine-grained sediment supply from the Himalayas to the Bengal Fan in response to climate change over the past 50,000 years
Abstract The Bengal Fan, as the largest submarine fan in the world, receives a large amount
of sediments discharged from the Himalayas through the Ganges-Brahmaputra (GB) river …
of sediments discharged from the Himalayas through the Ganges-Brahmaputra (GB) river …