[HTML][HTML] Progress in CFD simulations of fluidized beds for chemical and energy process engineering
Gas-solid fluidized beds have drawn the attention of engineers and researchers as an
effective technology for a large variety of applications, and numerical simulations can play …
effective technology for a large variety of applications, and numerical simulations can play …
[HTML][HTML] Particle structure development during spray drying from a single droplet to pilot-scale perspective
NM Eijkelboom, AP van Boven, I Siemons… - Journal of Food …, 2023 - Elsevier
Crucial for achieving premium agglomerated powder products through spray drying is that
the primary particle morphology and the degree of agglomeration can be controlled …
the primary particle morphology and the degree of agglomeration can be controlled …
Dynamics and maximum spreading of droplet impact on a stationary droplet on the surface
In numerous applications related to droplet impact, impacting droplets often interact with
solid surfaces with adhesive droplets rather than dry surfaces, but the former is significantly …
solid surfaces with adhesive droplets rather than dry surfaces, but the former is significantly …
[HTML][HTML] Airborne and aerosol pathogen transmission modeling of respiratory events in buildings: An overview of computational fluid dynamics
Pathogen droplets released from respiratory events are the primary means of dispersion and
transmission of the recent pandemic of COVID-19. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has …
transmission of the recent pandemic of COVID-19. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has …
Droplet-droplet, droplet-particle, and droplet-substrate collision behavior
AG Islamova, SA Kerimbekova, NE Shlegel… - Powder Technology, 2022 - Elsevier
In this paper, we present the research findings on the collision outcomes of water droplets
with solid particles and substrates made of metal with variable surface wettability. We …
with solid particles and substrates made of metal with variable surface wettability. We …
Experimental investigation of non-Newtonian droplet collisions: the role of extensional viscosity
We investigate the collision behaviour of a shear thinning non-Newtonian fluid xanthan, by
binary droplet collision experiments. Droplet collisions of non-Newtonian fluids are more …
binary droplet collision experiments. Droplet collisions of non-Newtonian fluids are more …
Advances in modelling of binary droplet collision outcomes in sprays: a review of available knowledge
The present article summarises the requirements for modelling droplet binary collisions in
the frame of a Lagrangian point-particle tracking approach. The essential ingredients of such …
the frame of a Lagrangian point-particle tracking approach. The essential ingredients of such …
CFD simulation of agglomeration and coalescence in spray dryer
Particle size distribution is of utmost importance in spray dryers. Controlling the degree of
agglomeration and coalescence is vital for manufacturing products that conform to the …
agglomeration and coalescence is vital for manufacturing products that conform to the …
Influence of viscosity, surface and interfacial tensions on the liquid droplet collisions
In this paper, we present the results of experimental research into the influence of viscosity,
surface and interfacial tension of the liquid on the position of transition boundaries between …
surface and interfacial tension of the liquid on the position of transition boundaries between …
Turbulent flows with drops and bubbles: what numerical simulations can tell us—Freeman scholar lecture
Turbulent flows laden withlarge, deformable drops or bubbles are ubiquitous in nature and a
number of industrial processes. These flows are characterized by physics acting at many …
number of industrial processes. These flows are characterized by physics acting at many …