[HTML][HTML] Glamour or sham? Residents' perceptions of city branding in a superdiverse city: The case of Rotterdam
W Belabas - Cities, 2023 - Elsevier
This study focused on the reconstruction of residents' city imaginaries in a superdiverse
context, and on the question how residents relate to official city branding. This is an …
context, and on the question how residents relate to official city branding. This is an …
UNESCO World Heritage Site label and sustainable tourism in Europe: a user-generated content analysis
Officially branding local heritage through recognised labels is a strategy that regions can
use to promote economic development. Regions increasingly seek more sustainable …
use to promote economic development. Regions increasingly seek more sustainable …
[HTML][HTML] Do inclusive city branding and political othering affect migrants' identification? Experimental evidence
W Belabas, B George - Cities, 2023 - Elsevier
Ideally, people with a migration background identify with the country and city they live in.
Such identification is under threat from political discourse on migrants (ie othering). To …
Such identification is under threat from political discourse on migrants (ie othering). To …
City brand evolution research and future agenda: bibliometric and science map** analysis
This study aims to identify the evolution, trends and research agenda in city brand research.
The methodology used was a science map** bibliometric and network analysis using …
The methodology used was a science map** bibliometric and network analysis using …
Unleashing the potential of local brand equity of Hong Kong as a green–creative–smart city
CS Chan, WY Tsun - Journal of Place Management and Development, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to propose resident-based brand equity models on green, creative
and smart development themes through a multi-sample telephone survey on Hong Kong …
and smart development themes through a multi-sample telephone survey on Hong Kong …
Bottom-up cluster branding through boundary spanners: The case of the **gdezhen ceramics cluster in China
D Wu, NM Coe - Urban Studies, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
It is increasingly recognised that for clusters to evolve and initiate new developmental paths,
they need to bring in various external resources, especially external human capital …
they need to bring in various external resources, especially external human capital …
A Historical Review for City Branding: Hyper Competition, Challenges, and Improvement Opportunities
This study aims to present a history of city branding: hyper-competition, challenges, and
opportunities for improvement. The method used in this study used qualitative with a …
opportunities for improvement. The method used in this study used qualitative with a …
Leveraging social capital to catalyse post-pandemic anti-fragility: the “Vilnius model”
G Warren, S Grigaliūnaitė - Journal of Place Management and …, 2023 - emerald.com
Purpose This paper aims to delve into the interdependent connection between place
branding and social capital, specifically focusing on how it contributes to uniting a city's …
branding and social capital, specifically focusing on how it contributes to uniting a city's …
Students' quality of life before and during the Covid-19 pandemic: A comparative analysis using multidimensional inventory of students' quality of life
Objective: This article aims to describe and compare students' quality of life (QOL) in Poland
before and during the Covid-19 pandemic using a multidimensional inventory of students' …
before and during the Covid-19 pandemic using a multidimensional inventory of students' …
Brand-driven identity development of places: application, evaluation and improvement suggestions of the BIDP-framework
D Maffei - Journal of Place Management and Development, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to assess the suitability of Botschen et al.'s (2017)
Brand-driven Identity Development of Places (BIDP) framework to support places in …
Brand-driven Identity Development of Places (BIDP) framework to support places in …