Mechano-chemical interactions in sedimentary rocks in the context of CO2 storage: Weak acid, weak effects?
Due to the corrosive nature of dissolved CO 2, the potential short or long term alteration of
rock properties, represents a major issue in several sites where natural CO 2 circulation is …
rock properties, represents a major issue in several sites where natural CO 2 circulation is …
The present-day stress field of Australia
The unusual present-day crustal stress pattern of the Australian continent has been the
subject of scientific debate for over 25 years. The orientation of maximum horizontal present …
subject of scientific debate for over 25 years. The orientation of maximum horizontal present …
[KNYGA][B] Experimental rock deformation: the brittle field
MS Paterson, T Wong - 2005 - Springer
This monograph deals with the part of the field of experimental rock deformation that is
dominated by the phenomena of brittle fracture on one scale or another. Thus a distinction …
dominated by the phenomena of brittle fracture on one scale or another. Thus a distinction …
The Effects of Varying Injection Rates in Osage County, Oklahoma, on the 2016 5.8 Pawnee Earthquake
ABSTRACT The 2016 M w 5.8 Pawnee earthquake occurred in a region with active
wastewater injection into a basal formation group. Prior to the earthquake, fluid injection …
wastewater injection into a basal formation group. Prior to the earthquake, fluid injection …
The weakening effect of water on the brittle failure strength of sandstone
M Duda, J Renner - Geophysical Journal International, 2013 -
Pore fluids affect the brittle failure strength of rocks by physico-chemical interactions
between solids and fluids and by mechanisms associated with changes in effective stress …
between solids and fluids and by mechanisms associated with changes in effective stress …
An experimental investigation of shale mechanical properties through drained and undrained test mechanisms
MA Islam, P Skalle - Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2013 - Springer
Shale mechanical properties are evaluated from laboratory tests after a complex workflow
that covers tasks from sampling to testing. Due to the heterogeneous nature of shale, it is …
that covers tasks from sampling to testing. Due to the heterogeneous nature of shale, it is …
Direct evidence for fluid pressure, dilatancy, and compaction affecting slip in isolated faults
Earthquake instability occurs as a result of strength loss during sliding on a fault. It has been
known for over 50 years that fault compaction or dilatancy may cause significant weakening …
known for over 50 years that fault compaction or dilatancy may cause significant weakening …
Stress dependent thermal pressurization of a fluid-saturated rock
S Ghabezloo, J Sulem - Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2009 - Springer
Temperature increase in saturated porous materials under undrained conditions leads to
thermal pressurization of the pore fluid due to the discrepancy between the thermal …
thermal pressurization of the pore fluid due to the discrepancy between the thermal …
Poromechanical behaviour of hardened cement paste under isotropic loading
S Ghabezloo, J Sulem, S Guédon, F Martineau… - Cement and Concrete …, 2008 - Elsevier
The poromechanical behaviour of hardened cement paste under isotropic loading is studied
on the basis of an experimental testing program of drained, undrained and unjacketed …
on the basis of an experimental testing program of drained, undrained and unjacketed …
A review of the state of the art in modelling progressive mechanical breakdown and associated fluid flow in intact heterogeneous rocks
SC Yuan, JP Harrison - International Journal of Rock Mechanics and …, 2006 - Elsevier
The purpose of this review is to present techniques, advances, problems, and new
developments in modelling the progressive mechanical breakdown of, and associated fluid …
developments in modelling the progressive mechanical breakdown of, and associated fluid …