Artificial intelligence in E-Commerce: a bibliometric study and literature review

RE Bawack, SF Wamba, KDA Carillo, S Akter - Electronic markets, 2022 - Springer
This paper synthesises research on artificial intelligence (AI) in e-commerce and proposes
guidelines on how information systems (IS) research could contribute to this research …

Conceptualization and measurement of organizational readiness for change: a review of the literature in health services research and other fields

BJ Weiner, H Amick, SYD Lee - Medical care research and …, 2008 -
Health care practitioners and change experts contend that organizational readiness for
change is a critical precursor to successful change implementation. This article assesses …

SMEs must go online—E-commerce as an escape hatch for resilience and survivability

J Costa, R Castro - Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic …, 2021 -
The recent emergence of e-commerce has brought a shifting paradigm into global markets.
This revolutionary framework relying upon technological progress has conveyed a new era …

Education Divide at Work

N Gangwar - Management Practices for Engaging a Diverse …, 2020 -
The concept of diversity management is so wide and deep that no single chapter can
explain all its the edges. This chapter is prepared by kee** in view the discrimination with …

Predictive HR analytics and talent management: a conceptual framework

RN Gurusinghe, BJH Arachchige… - Journal of Management …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Digitisation, new technologies and artificial intelligence demand organisations for new ways
of working with a different skill set to accomplish strategic objectives. HR analytics is the …

Evaluation and adoption of artificial intelligence in the retail industry

HP Fu, TH Chang, SW Lin, YH Teng… - International Journal of …, 2023 -
Purpose The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has had a substantial
influence on the retail industry. However, AI adoption entails considerable responsibilities …

E-commerce technology adoption: A Malaysian grocery SME retail sector study

S Kurnia, J Choudrie, RM Mahbubur… - Journal of Business …, 2015 - Elsevier
Electronic commerce (EC) has substantial potential to foster the growth of small and medium-
sized enterprises (SMEs) in developed and develo** countries alike. However, EC …

Adoption of e‐commerce applications in SMEs

M Ghobakhloo, D Arias‐Aranda… - … management & data …, 2011 -
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors within the technology‐
organization‐environment (TOE) framework that affect the decision to adopt electronic …

A conceptual model for the process of IT innovation adoption in organizations

MA Hameed, S Counsell, S Swift - Journal of Engineering and Technology …, 2012 - Elsevier
In this paper, we develop a conceptual model for IT innovation adoption process in
organizations. The model utilizes Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory, Theory of Reasoned …

Entrepreneurial orientation, knowledge management, dynamic capabilities towards e-commerce adoption of SMEs in Indonesia

MDTP Nasution, A Rafiki, A Lubis… - Journal of Science and …, 2021 -
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the dimensions of entrepreneurial
orientation (EO), knowledge management process (KMP) and dynamic capability (DC) …