Young people leaving care: Supporting pathways to adulthood

M Stein - 2012 -
The journey to adulthood is a big step for all young people. However, for young people
leaving care it may be far more difficult, co** with major changes in their lives and at a …

Parental resilience: A neglected construct in resilience research

S Gavidia‐Payne, B Denny, K Davis, A Francis… - Clinical …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
The substantial focus of resilience research on childhood well‐being has resulted in limited
knowledge regarding other aspects of resilience in families, such as that of parents …

[KNIHA][B] Youth rising?: The politics of youth in the global economy

M Sukarieh, S Tannock - 2014 -
Over the last decade," youth" has become increasingly central to policy, development, media
and public debates and conflicts across the world–whether as an ideological symbol, social …

Annual research review: The experience of youth with political conflict–challenging notions of resilience and encouraging research refinement

BK Barber - Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Aims and method Drawing on empirical studies and literature reviews, this paper aims to
clarify and qualify the relevance of resilience to youth experiencing political conflict. It …

The positivity imperative: A critical look at the 'new'youth development movement

M Sukarieh, S Tannock - Journal of Youth Studies, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
The field of youth development, long given over to discussions of youth as a time of storm
and stress, raging hormones and problem behavior, has increasingly turned to look at the …

Socijalni problemi, socijalni rizici i suvremeni socijalni rad

M Ajduković - Revija za socijalnu politiku, 2008 -
Sažetak U radu su analizirani pojmovi socijalni problemi i socijalni rizici iz postmoderne
teorijske pozicije i socijalnog konstruktivizma. Posebna pozornost posvećena je …

Activating the sociological imagination to explore the boundaries of resilience research and practice

M VanderPlaat - School psychology international, 2016 -
Traditionally, the field of resilience research, especially as it relates to children and youth,
has been well ensconced in the discipline of psychology. Sociologists, when they do …

Long-term exposure to political violence: The particular injury of persistent humiliation

BK Barber, C McNeely, JA Olsen, RF Belli… - Social Science & …, 2016 - Elsevier
This study assessed the association between exposure to political violence over a 25-year
period and adult functioning among a population that has experienced protracted and …

Tracking changes in resilience and recovery after natural hazards: Insights from a high-frequency mobile-phone panel survey

L Jones, P Ballon - Global Environmental Change, 2020 - Elsevier
Knowing how resilience changes in the aftermath of a shock is crucial to the targeting of
effective humanitarian responses. Yet, heavy reliance on face-to-face household surveys …

Reviewing the literature on the breakdown of foster care placements for young people: Complexity and the social work task

C Harkin, S Houston - Child care in practice, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Young people in long-term foster care are at risk of experiencing poor social, emotional,
behavioural and educational outcomes. Moreover, these placements have a significantly …