Young people leaving care: Supporting pathways to adulthood
M Stein - 2012 - books.google.com
The journey to adulthood is a big step for all young people. However, for young people
leaving care it may be far more difficult, co** with major changes in their lives and at a …
leaving care it may be far more difficult, co** with major changes in their lives and at a …
Parental resilience: A neglected construct in resilience research
The substantial focus of resilience research on childhood well‐being has resulted in limited
knowledge regarding other aspects of resilience in families, such as that of parents …
knowledge regarding other aspects of resilience in families, such as that of parents …
[KNIHA][B] Youth rising?: The politics of youth in the global economy
M Sukarieh, S Tannock - 2014 - taylorfrancis.com
Over the last decade," youth" has become increasingly central to policy, development, media
and public debates and conflicts across the world–whether as an ideological symbol, social …
and public debates and conflicts across the world–whether as an ideological symbol, social …
Annual research review: The experience of youth with political conflict–challenging notions of resilience and encouraging research refinement
BK Barber - Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Aims and method Drawing on empirical studies and literature reviews, this paper aims to
clarify and qualify the relevance of resilience to youth experiencing political conflict. It …
clarify and qualify the relevance of resilience to youth experiencing political conflict. It …
The positivity imperative: A critical look at the 'new'youth development movement
M Sukarieh, S Tannock - Journal of Youth Studies, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
The field of youth development, long given over to discussions of youth as a time of storm
and stress, raging hormones and problem behavior, has increasingly turned to look at the …
and stress, raging hormones and problem behavior, has increasingly turned to look at the …
Socijalni problemi, socijalni rizici i suvremeni socijalni rad
M Ajduković - Revija za socijalnu politiku, 2008 - rsp.hr
Sažetak U radu su analizirani pojmovi socijalni problemi i socijalni rizici iz postmoderne
teorijske pozicije i socijalnog konstruktivizma. Posebna pozornost posvećena je …
teorijske pozicije i socijalnog konstruktivizma. Posebna pozornost posvećena je …
Activating the sociological imagination to explore the boundaries of resilience research and practice
M VanderPlaat - School psychology international, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
Traditionally, the field of resilience research, especially as it relates to children and youth,
has been well ensconced in the discipline of psychology. Sociologists, when they do …
has been well ensconced in the discipline of psychology. Sociologists, when they do …
Long-term exposure to political violence: The particular injury of persistent humiliation
This study assessed the association between exposure to political violence over a 25-year
period and adult functioning among a population that has experienced protracted and …
period and adult functioning among a population that has experienced protracted and …
Tracking changes in resilience and recovery after natural hazards: Insights from a high-frequency mobile-phone panel survey
Knowing how resilience changes in the aftermath of a shock is crucial to the targeting of
effective humanitarian responses. Yet, heavy reliance on face-to-face household surveys …
effective humanitarian responses. Yet, heavy reliance on face-to-face household surveys …
Reviewing the literature on the breakdown of foster care placements for young people: Complexity and the social work task
C Harkin, S Houston - Child care in practice, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Young people in long-term foster care are at risk of experiencing poor social, emotional,
behavioural and educational outcomes. Moreover, these placements have a significantly …
behavioural and educational outcomes. Moreover, these placements have a significantly …