Colloquium: Nonthermal pathways to ultrafast control in quantum materials
Recent progress in utilizing ultrafast light-matter interaction to control the macroscopic
properties of quantum materials is reviewed. Particular emphasis is placed on photoinduced …
properties of quantum materials is reviewed. Particular emphasis is placed on photoinduced …
Ultrafast optical spectroscopy of strongly correlated materials and high-temperature superconductors: a non-equilibrium approach
In the last two decades non-equilibrium spectroscopies have evolved from avant-garde
studies to crucial tools for expanding our understanding of the physics of strongly correlated …
studies to crucial tools for expanding our understanding of the physics of strongly correlated …
Observation of Unconventional Charge Density Wave without Acoustic Phonon Anomaly in Kagome Superconductors (, Cs)
The combination of nontrivial band topology and symmetry-breaking phases gives rise to
novel quantum states and phenomena such as topological superconductivity, quantum …
novel quantum states and phenomena such as topological superconductivity, quantum …
Resonant x-ray scattering studies of charge order in cuprates
X-ray techniques have been used for more than a century to study the atomic and electronic
structure in practically any type of material. The advent of correlated electron systems, in …
structure in practically any type of material. The advent of correlated electron systems, in …
Optical creation of a supercrystal with three-dimensional nanoscale periodicity
Stimulation with ultrafast light pulses can realize and manipulate states of matter with
emergent structural, electronic and magnetic phenomena. However, these non-equilibrium …
emergent structural, electronic and magnetic phenomena. However, these non-equilibrium …
Charge order at high temperature in cuprate superconductors
The presence of different electronic orders other than superconductivity populating the
phase diagram of cuprates suggests that they might be the key to disclose the mysteries of …
phase diagram of cuprates suggests that they might be the key to disclose the mysteries of …
Inelastic X-ray scattering in YBa2Cu3O6.6 reveals giant phonon anomalies and elastic central peak due to charge-density-wave formation
The electron–phonon interaction is a major factor influencing the competition between
collective instabilities in correlated-electron materials, but its role in driving high-temperature …
collective instabilities in correlated-electron materials, but its role in driving high-temperature …
Non-thermal separation of electronic and structural orders in a persisting charge density wave
M Porer, U Leierseder, JM Ménard, H Dachraoui… - Nature materials, 2014 - nature.com
The simultaneous ordering of different degrees of freedom in complex materials undergoing
spontaneous symmetry-breaking transitions often involves intricate couplings that have …
spontaneous symmetry-breaking transitions often involves intricate couplings that have …
Terahertz spectroscopy of collective charge density wave dynamics at the atomic scale
S Sheng, M Abdo, S Rolf-Pissarczyk, K Lichtenberg… - Nature Physics, 2024 - nature.com
Charge density waves are wave-like modulations of a material's electron density that display
collective amplitude and phase dynamics. The interaction with atomic impurities induces …
collective amplitude and phase dynamics. The interaction with atomic impurities induces …
Direct phase-sensitive identification of a d-form factor density wave in underdoped cuprates
The identity of the fundamental broken symmetry (if any) in the underdoped cuprates is
unresolved. However, evidence has been accumulating that this state may be an …
unresolved. However, evidence has been accumulating that this state may be an …