Assessment and optimization of forest biomass supply chains from economic, social and environmental perspectives–A review of literature
Forest biomass is a renewable source that has the potential to substitute fossil fuels in many
applications, from the generation of bioenergy (heat, electricity or transportation fuels) to the …
applications, from the generation of bioenergy (heat, electricity or transportation fuels) to the …
[HTML][HTML] Space, time, and sustainability: The status and future of life cycle assessment frameworks for novel biorefinery systems
For stakeholders and decision makers within the bioeconomy, it is important that
sustainability assessment methodologies be holistic, reliable, and accurate. Life cycle …
sustainability assessment methodologies be holistic, reliable, and accurate. Life cycle …
Using the sustainable modified TAM and TPB to analyze the effects of perceived green value on loyalty to a public bike system
SY Chen - Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2016 - Elsevier
This article explores the effects of perceived green value, perceived green usefulness,
perceived pleasure to use, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control on green …
perceived pleasure to use, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control on green …
Low carbon supply chain: A state-of-the-art literature review
C Das, S Jharkharia - Journal of Manufacturing Technology …, 2018 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to review the relevant literature on low carbon supply
chain management (LCSCM) and classify it on contextual base. It also aims at identifying …
chain management (LCSCM) and classify it on contextual base. It also aims at identifying …
[KNYGA][B] Assessing and measuring environmental impact and sustainability
JJ Klemeš - 2015 -
Assessing and Measuring Environmental Impact and Sustainability answers the question
“what are the available methodologies to assess the environmental sustainability of a …
“what are the available methodologies to assess the environmental sustainability of a …
Controlling moisture content and truck configurations to model and optimise biomass supply chain logistics in Ireland
In the coming years, Ireland will continue to face an increasing demand for wood biomass as
a renewable source of energy. This will result in strained supply/demand scenarios, which …
a renewable source of energy. This will result in strained supply/demand scenarios, which …
Sustainability impact assessment of forest operations: A review
Abstract Purpose of Review One of the challenges of forest operations is to consider the
consequences of different management strategies and to estimate the economic …
consequences of different management strategies and to estimate the economic …
Overview of sustainable biomass supply chain: from concept to modelling
The human dependency on finite fossil fuel has led to its drastic depletion. Along with its
detrimental effects on the environment, such practice is now deemed unsustainable. This …
detrimental effects on the environment, such practice is now deemed unsustainable. This …
Production of chips from logging residues and their quality for energy: a review of European literature
T Moskalik, A Gendek - Forests, 2019 -
Wood chips from logging residues are a renewable solid fuel that has become widely used
in the energy sector. The current work presents a review of European papers on various …
in the energy sector. The current work presents a review of European papers on various …
Performance and exhaust emission analysis of a variable compression ratio (VCR) dual fuel CI engine fuelled with producer gas generated from pistachio shells
In the current scenario, interest in harvesting energy from non-conventional sources such as
biomass has mount due to appalling increase in energy demand. In this research work …
biomass has mount due to appalling increase in energy demand. In this research work …