determinant of consumer decision on Islamic Banking
This study investigates the determinant of customer decisions in Islamic banks' savings:
motivation, promotion, and religiosity. Trust variable as a form of research novelty as a …
motivation, promotion, and religiosity. Trust variable as a form of research novelty as a …
When virtual others are with me: exploring the influence of social presence in virtual reality wine tourism experiences
Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the role of social presence in enhancing
positive behaviors in the virtual reality (VR)-based wine tourism context through an …
positive behaviors in the virtual reality (VR)-based wine tourism context through an …
Uncorking the potential of wine: an empirical prediction of consumers' intention to visit wine tourism destinations (WTDs) post-COVID-19
Purpose The study aims to examine consumers' intentions to visit wine tourism destinations
(WTDs) in Canada post-COVID-19 by combining destination-related constructs with the …
(WTDs) in Canada post-COVID-19 by combining destination-related constructs with the …
Uncorking the delights: deciphering Indian wine consumers' tastes with a multi-method approach and consumer insights
Purpose Alcohol consumption trends in India have undergone a significant shift in recent
years. While spirits like rum and brandy have traditionally dominated the Indian alcohol …
years. While spirits like rum and brandy have traditionally dominated the Indian alcohol …
How do temporal psychological distance and grandiose narcissism affect tourists' travel motivation and attraction visit intention?
WK Tan, CY Yang - Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose Literature has paid limited attention to narcissism's influence on tourism. The pre-
trip planning stage involves temporal psychological distance, where decision-making …
trip planning stage involves temporal psychological distance, where decision-making …
Co-creating organizational performance and project success through customer participation, requirement risk and knowledge integration: a multi-study evidence
Purpose Taking a co-creation perspective and integrating knowledge-based and resource-
based perspectives, the authors examine the role of customer participation in organizational …
based perspectives, the authors examine the role of customer participation in organizational …
[PDF][PDF] Tourist Perception of the „Night of the Museums” Event. Case Study in Oradea Municipality, Romania
Cultural events have a significant influence on the local economy. Cultural festivals can
attract tourists, extend the tourist season and add vitality to a city. However, there is relatively …
attract tourists, extend the tourist season and add vitality to a city. However, there is relatively …
Reconceptualizing domestic tourism prosocial behaviours
This study makes new theoretical propositions that reconceptualize what we know about
prosocial behaviours in a tourism context. Based on qualitative in-depth interviews and …
prosocial behaviours in a tourism context. Based on qualitative in-depth interviews and …
Unveiling the impacts of eWOM on tourist revisit intention from a cognitive perspective: the moderating role of trade-offs
Despite the efforts of the government and managers to promote tourism in the context of the
economic downturn, tourism recovery has been slow. Tourist revisit intention is a significant …
economic downturn, tourism recovery has been slow. Tourist revisit intention is a significant …
Tourism and services diversification in the global wine industry: Ten stylized facts
This study investigates servitization in the global wine industry, focusing on nearly 5300
wineries across 23 countries. Servitization, the integration of services with core wine …
wineries across 23 countries. Servitization, the integration of services with core wine …